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== Basic Gameplay ==
=== Battlefield Setup ===
All Missions take place on a battlefield comprised of Hexagon tiles. One hexagon tile is the same size as an action base 4 / 5. A full-sized battlefield measures 16x13 hexagonal tiles, or 208 total Hex', with the flat side facing each player. Both sides need to be identical to the other so it doesn't create any unfair advantages.

=== Turns & Rounds ===
== Introduction ==
Each player moves a single Unit during their turn. Units can only move once per Round. If a player has no Units left to move, they skip their turn. Once all players have completed their turns, that round is over. When the round is over the turns circle back to the player who initially began in a chess-like fashion. This continues until the Mission is completed or a player surrenders.
The 30 Minute Missions: Wargame is an asymmetrical wargame played by 2+ players with an Attacker team and Defender team. The game can be played by any number of players but must remain in the Attacker and Defender style unless otherwise stated. Teams do not have to have the same number of players.

Turn = Chess-like back and forth between players.
You can play alone similar to how one would play themselves in chess, but it is not recommended.
Round = After all Units have been moved.

=== Unit Deployment ===
== Combat Objective ==  
Once the turn order had been determined, its time to Deploy each players Units. Starting from the highest to the lowest order, each player alternates putting one of there Units down on 1 of the 3 closest hexes to them on there side of the battlefield. This is called the Deployment Area (shown on the right, highlighted in green). Once all Units are on the battlefield, the battle begins staring with the highest.

The game is won after the primary objective of the mission you are playing has been completed. These range from holding an objective for multiple turns, getting an object and moving to your side of the board, or simply destroying the enemy forces.

== Required Components ==

=== Dice ===
It is recommended that you have at least 1 eight-sided dice (D8), but having multiple will make it so you can roll all of your attacks at once instead of one at a time.  It is also advised that you have a twenty-sided dice (D20) on hand for each unit to use to keep track of how many Action Points a Unit has, however a piece of paper will do as well.
If a rule requires a D8 roll 3 or higher, this is often abbreviated as 3+.
=== Objective Markers ===
Objective Markers can be anything as long as they fit on a hex and do not interfere with the movement of most units. There will be cases where a unit takes up a whole hex or will otherwise cause an issue with the token. In those cases make a mark of where the token was on a piece of paper or other notation.
=== Tokens ===
While playing the game, you may need various tokens to identify a status effect or elevation.
=== Units ===
Described in greater detail later. Units mean the 1/144 scale models built using 30mm Parts. Other models in the same scale may be used as well. We suggest a minimum of 1 unit per person playing. However without a points balance this may skew combat in favor of one player over the other.
=== Datasheet ===
The Datasheet contains your unit's information. Defense, Weapons, and other special abilities will all be listed here. More information is found on the [[Unit Datasheet Creation]] page.
== Unit Information ==
Units are the giant robots (mechs) and vehicles used and while any thing can be used the game is designed with primarily with 30 Minute Mission parts in mind
=== Unit Sections ===

== Unit Creation ==
When a player is creating their Unit, they need to determine its Unit Sections. Unit Sections (US) are groups of individual parts combined to form specific areas that perform a certain function. First, a player needs to determine what type of Unit they created. Whether it be a Mech or a Vehicle each type has different Unit Sections available to it with many being used by the other types. Drones, which may be a Mech Unit, Vehicle Unit, or Equipment, may also require some of these Sections depending on build. Determine what Sections are needed for your Unit type by their movement requirements.
[[File:CS-Units.png| frameless | right| 500px | Battlefield Layout]]
'''Unit Sections:'''
* Head - The upper part of a Mech Units body. Contains complex camera systems to provide visuals to the pilot in real-time.
* AI Cockpit - Main Section of a Drone/Mech/Vehicle. Contains the A.I. pilot.
* Torso - Main Section of a Mech Unit. Holds the pilot.
* Cockpit - Main Section of a Vehicle. Holds the pilot.
* Arm - The upper limb of a Mech Unit. Has the ability to pick up/hold/carry various things.
* Tail - A modified arm, usually used for stability and aesthetics. May have weapons or thrusters attached to it.
* Leg - Each of the limbs on a Unit that provides movement.
* Aquatic Drive - A section that provides movement in Water and Deep Water Tiles. Requires for Aquatic vehicles.
* Aerial Drive - A Section that provides flight in some form either for hovering or actual flight. It is a requirement for Aerial Vehicles.
* Terra Drive - A Section that provides movement across the ground. It grants standard movement and is a requirement for Terrestrial Vehicles.

=== Squads ===
Next, Identify how many Sections your Unit has and what each one is. Mech Units normally have a head, two arms, two legs, as well as a Torso. Vehicle Units normally have at least one Drive Section and a Cockpit. Drones normally have a single AI Cockpit Section. All of these may vary depending on how you build your Units.

=== Units ===
=== Unit Types ===
Individual models are called Units and are divided into the following Types:
Units are divided into the following Types:

==== Mech ====
<tab name=Mechs>
A unit that meets any of the following guidelines:
A unit that meets any of the following guidelines:

Uses legs as its main form of transportation
* Uses legs as its main form of transportation
Has or relies on arms to perform its primary functions
* Has or relies on arms to perform its primary functions
Is distinctly bipedal or has a clear and obvious torso
* Has a clear and obvious torso
This is the Standard battlefield weapon.
<tab name=Vehicles>
Any unit that relies on jet propulsion, wheels, tracks, or rotors as its primary source of movement and doesn't have any form of manipulators (arms). All vehicle types gain the following changes to gameplay:

When checking LoS, the reference point is as close as possible to where the pilot is located.
This is the standard Engagement Unit.
Ignores all negative Terrain Effects.
Does not have manipulators. Therefore, cannot physically pick up or interact with any objects.
Cannot move onto green hexes unless flying over them.
Cannot change elevation [+/-] without the proper abilities.
Cannot obtain the Jump ability.

Terrestrial Vehicles
==== Vehicle ====
Any Unit that relies on jet propulsion, wheels, tracks/treads, or rotors as its primary source of movement and doesn't have any form of arms. Any part that isn't part of a Drive Core Section, weapon, or equipment is considered part of the Cockpit Core Section.

Aerial Vehicles
All Vehicle types gain the following changes to their gameplay:
* Must have a Cockpit Unit Section in place of a Torso Unit Section.
* When checking line of sight (LoS), the reference point starts at the Units cockpit.
* Cannot physically pick up or interact with any objects.
* Cannot change elevation [+/-] without appropriate Abilities.
* Cannot obtain the Jump Ability.

Aquatic Vehicles
Vehicles are broken down into 3 categories: Terrestrial, Aerial, and Aquatic. Each one has specific requirements that must be met in order for a vehicle to be considered one or the other. Below is each category along with its Requirements, Restrictions, and Bonuses.

Extraterrestrial Vehicles
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:97%; padding:0.5em">
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Terrestrial</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Land-based vehicles.

Any Unit that meets the following requirements are to be regarded as a Terrestrial Vehicle Unit:
<tab name=Drones>
* Must contain at least two Terra Drive Unit Sections.
Drones are smaller Units that must be attached to a Main Unit at the start of the battle. When they are needed, the Main Unit can deploy them VIA Command Action. The Main Unit may deploy them anywhere within 1 hex radius. Multiple Drones may occupy the same hex provided they do no collide with each other.
* Does not contain Flight Drive Unit Sections.
* Does not contain Aquatic Drive Unit Sections.

Each drone needs some form of movement on the model for it to be able move. If the Drone model does not move, it can still function but will not move outside of where it was initially placed. If it flies, it needs at least one thruster on the model. If its aquatic, then it needs aquatic thrusters. If it walks, it needs legs or treads.
The following are restrictions that a Terrestrial Unit must follow:
* Weapon range is halved when firing through green hexes.
* Movement costs 2x when traveling over green hexes.

Drones are considered equipment for the Main Unit and must be added to the Main Units Equipment List on its Datasheet. Max of 3 active drones on the battlefield per Unit. There are two types of Drones: Drones with Artificial Intelligence (RoyRoy Head) and without.
The following bonuses are given to Terrestrial Vehicles:
* FoV is all 6 hexes around the Unit (360 degrees).
* Main Cannon has an AP reduction of 3 (to a minimum of 4).

=== Parts List ===
=== Datasheets ===
=== Pilots ===
=== Skins & Proxies ===

== Tools ==
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:97%; padding:0.5em">
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Aerial</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Usually a plane, helicopter, or other vehicle for flying in appearance.

=== Dice ===
Any Unit that meets the following requirements are to be regarded as an Aerial Vehicle Unit:
In order to fight the enemy you will need Dice. An Eight-Sided Dice (D8) to be exact. D8 dice are used for everything in this game. You will want to have multiple (recommended to have at least 6) of them so you can roll all of your attack at once instead of one at a time. If a rule requires a D8 roll 3 or higher, this is often abbreviated as 3+.
* Must contain at least one Flight Core Part
* Does not contain Aquatic Drive Unit Sections.
* Does not contain Terra Drive Unit Sections.
The following are restrictions that an Aerial Unit must follow:
* Cannot move on 0 Elevation (Ground Level).
* Can only use thruster movement.
* All movement points must be used during activation. Failure to do so will result in Unit taking fall damage to Cockpit Unit Section.
* Standard movement is an exclusive Command Action that can only be gained with the use of rotor parts.
The following bonuses are given to Aerial Vehicles:
Strafing runs: When the unit passes directly over enemy units (a single elevation directly above) during the movement phase, it may pause its movement and conduct a single ranged combat or close combat attack. After the attack has been resolved, the unit can continue with its movement phase. This can be repeated.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:97%; padding:0.5em">
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Aquatic</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Usually a boat, submarine, or other vehicle for navigating the water.
Any Unit that meets the following requirements are to be regarded as an Aquatic Vehicle Unit: 
* Must contain at least one Aquatic Drive Unit Section.
* Must not contain Terra Drive Unit Sections.
* Must not contain Aerial Drive Unit Sections.
The following are restrictions that an Aquatic Unit must follow:
* Can only move over light/dark blue hexes.
The following bonuses are given to Aquatic Vehicles:
* Attacks made with missile pods don't need LoS.

=== Gains to Stats Vs. Gains to Rolls ===
==== Drone ====
Drones are typically smaller units or equipment controlled by a larger or more networked unit. Drones can be either mechs OR vehicles.

If an effect states " (+/- number) to (stat)" then you apply that number to the Stat on your Units Datasheet. EG: "+1 to Assault" Units Assault stat adds 1.
There are two categories of Drones:

If an effect states " (+/- number) to (stat) Roll" then you apply that number to the relevant roll. EG: "+1 to Assault Roll" Player rolls for Assault then whatever the outcome is, 1 is added to it.
* A.I. Drones
* Non-AI Drones

'''A.I. Drones:'''

Put stuff about Dice here. Talk about tiles in basic. Also Tokens
AI Drones are drones that are controlled by artificial intelligence. These are considered their own Units and as such, get their own Datasheet. The pilot for this Unit must be an AI and can be selected when choosing the rank/AI.

'''Non-A.I. Drones:'''

== Turns and Rounds ==
Non-AI Drones are drones that need to be controlled by a Main Unit with the Control Management Mod.
Each player moves a single Unit during their turn. Units can only move once per Round. If a player has no Units left to move, they skip their turn. Once all players have completed their turns, that round is over. When the round is over the turns circle back to the player who initially began in a chess-like fashion. This continues until the Mission is completed or a player surrenders.

Turn = Chess-like back and forth between players.
Round = After all Units have been moved.
=== Classification ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; background-color:#F8F9FA; color:#202122; float:right; margin-left:10px; "
|- style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#EAECF0;"
! Total Defense
! Classification
! Base Movement
! Base Action Points
| 0 - 75
| Class 1
| 5
| 1d8 + 2
| 76 - 150
| Class 2
| 4
| 1d8 + 2
| 151 - 225
| Class 3
| 3
| 1d8 + 3
| 226 - 300
| Class 4
| 2
| 1d8 + 4
| 301+
| Class 5
| 1
| 1d8 + 4
There are 5 different classifications that provide different starting bonuses and limitations based on the size of your Unit. This is determined by the Total Defense value of all of Core Parts combined.
<br clear=all>
=== Squads ===
Are groups of units usually no more than 5 as a game of 6 or more can become longer and slow down the game. These are generally called Lances or Fire Teams depending on size and your own preferences.
== Datasheets ==
Datasheets show detailed stats and abilities for each Unit. You will need to create a Datasheet for every Unit in your Squad. Which instructions for can be found [[Unit Datasheet Creation]].

== Gameplay ==
== Gameplay ==
[[File:New Board 1.png| frameless | right| 500px | Battlefield Layout]]
=== Board Setup ===
All Missions take place on a battlefield overlayed by a hexagonal grid. [https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/pre-order-black-action-base-5?variant=49149953167&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjvaYBhDlARIsAO8PkE1rZ7dQrKWyU-YJ7NkAEjGGZ3eeKfcuHnwC42hsgGj3E1ObWF9jf2EaAl8UEALw_wcB Each hex space is the same size as an action base 4/5 - 4.5 inches]. This eliminates the need for measuring tools and makes movement/weapon ranges easier to calculate.
However, if a person wishes to play without hexes all movement can be done with action bases and movement being 4.5 inches per movement point.
A full-sized battlefield measures 14 hexes (58.5 in) on the long side by 11 hexes (38.3 in) on the short side, with the flat sides facing each player.
Missions will give suggestions on more specific terrain setups. It is suggested a matching terrain setup for each side when playing a destroy all targets type mission.
=== Pre-Deployment ===
Players roll 1D8 to determine who goes first. The higher roll chooses who gets to be Attacker and who gets to be Defender. The Attacker goes first and has starting initiative, but the Defender chooses their Deployment Area.

In 3+ player games, players choose which team to participate on and share Units and turns with their teammates.
At the start of the round players roll for initiative with the higher roll, giving the first chance to move a unit.

==== Battlefield ====
=== Deployment ===
All Missions take place on a battlefield comprised of Hexagon tiles. One hexagon tile is the same size as an action base 4 / 5. A full-sized battlefield measures 16x13 hexagonal tiles, or 208 total Hex', with the flat side facing each player. Both sides need to be identical to the other so it doesn't create any unfair advantages.
Once the attacker and defender have been selected, it is now time for the players to deploy their squads to the battlefield. Each side has a dedicated Deployment Area laid out in the mission details. Standard Deployment Areas are the first 3 hexes from the short side table edge on both sides.

==== Unit Deployment ====
Starting with the attacker, they will place one Unit within their Deployment Area on any elevation/terrain they see fit. If their Unit flies/swims, they may start in the air/water but must place a token down notating its elevation. Once the attacker's Unit has been deployed, the defender does the same. In an alternating fashion, both players continue to deploy Units until everyone is on the battlefield. If a player has any Units in reserve [Tentative name change] place them off to the side until given orders to deploy.
Players determine who goes first by both rolling 1d8 with the person who has the highest number going first. Starting from the highest to the lowest order, each player alternates putting one of there Units down on 1 of the 3 closest hexes to them on there side of the battlefield. This is called the Deployment Area (shown on the right, highlighted in green). Once all Units are on the battlefield, the battle begins staring with the highest.

After both sides have deployed their Units, the Deployment Phase has ended and the beginning of the Round can begin.

=== Turn Order ===
=== Rounds ===

Each player moves a single Unit during their turn. Units can only move once. If a player has no Units left to move, they skip their turn. Once all players have completed their turns, that round is over. When the round is over the turns circle back around to the player who initially began in a chess-like fashion. This continues until the Mission is completed or a player surrenders.
Then the player with initiative activates a Unit which starts the Unit's turn. A turn consists of three phases in order: Movement Phase, Ranged Combat Phase, and then Close Combat Phase. Units can only be activated once per Round. After the unit has completed its turn the next player with initative may activate a unit. This continues until all players have activated a unit then the player who started the round may activate another unit. If a player has no Units left to act with, they skip their turn. Once all players have run out of Units with available turns, that Round is over. When the Round is over, a new Round begins with the same player starting first. This continues until the Mission is completed or a player surrenders.

When a Unit has been activated, place down an Activation token next to the Unit. Once the Unit has finished its turn, flip the token over to Inactive. This indicates that the Unit has already been activated during that round and cannot be activated again. When a new round begins, remove all Inactive tokens from the battlefield.

==== Phases of a Turn ====
[[File:PoC.png | frame |right| Phases of a turn are sequential]]
Each turn is separated into 3 phases; Movement Phase, Ranged Combat Phase, and the Close Combat Phase. When the player activates a Unit, that Unit must act in each phase sequentially. They are allowed to skip over phases but they cannot go back to a prior or skipped phase afterward.

===== Movement Phase =====
;1. Choose a Unit to Activate
;2. Roll AP
;3. Move the Unit

Movement Phase:
[[File:Active.png | frame| right| Active Token]]
Once you have chosen a Unit to move, they begin there Movement Phase.
Choose a Unit to activate then the Movement Phase begins. First, place down an Active Token next to the Unit The token is to keep track of which Units have already been activated during that turn. Then roll 1D8 to see how many Action Points the Unit can add to its Base AP. Action Points can be used throughout that Unit's turn on Attacking or Command Actions. Any Action Points that do not get used are stored and can be used in future turns. This is capped at 16 AP per Unit. Place a D20 next to the Unit to keep track of its stored AP.  
First, roll a D8 to see how many Action Points gets added to that units Base AP. These can be used throughout that Units turn. Next, move to a desired hex using the Standard Movement or Thruster Movement options.

The image to the left represents a Units forward facing direction on the battlefield.
Next, a Unit may take a Move action. There are multiple types of movement based on the capacity of the unit. A unit may move onto one of the three hexes within the Units Field of View (represented by Fig 3). When using a unit that sits on multiple hexes rotate and move from the lead hex of the unit where the Field of Vision (FoV) originates.

Units can only move forward to the 3 closest hexes directly in front of them (represented by the green hexes). Units may also rotate around on the same hex (represented by the red hexes) at the cost of 1 standard movement point. Once per movement phase, a Unit can rotate freely around on the same hex without having to use a standard movement point.
'''Standard Movement:''' Moving a Unit normally based on the Standard Movement stat available to its Classification. Units may rotate around on the same hex to change their Field of View at the cost of 1 Standard Movement Point. Once per Movement Phase, a Unit can rotate freely around on the same hex without having to use a Standard Movement Point. Units cannot see beneath their elevation or behind themselves unless otherwise stated. When moving up an elevation the movement costs 2 Standard Movement Points. While moving in water it costs 2 Movement Points to leave the water and 2 Movement Points to move between hexes.  

'''Thruster Movement:''' The Thruster Movement stat doubles the Units Standard Movement. The direction of travel is linear and must move the full amount listed. Only available to use when the Unit has any thrusters attached. <!-- If the Unit cannot move the full amount, the player must choose another route or end its turn. When used the unit forfeits its Combat Phases.  -->
<br />

====== Movement Options ======
When a Unit meets the required amount of thruster durability, they have the option to use the following movement options. Use the chart below to determine which option is available to your Unit.

'''Hover:''' Using this movement may gain or lose 1 elevation per turn with the cost of a Standard Movement Point. This Unit may be in the air without support without falling. However, it must keep its Thruster Durability above the cost labeled below or it will lose the Hover Movement Action. If the Unit loses enough Thruster Durability to have it lose the Hover Move Action then it falls to the ground taking fall damage. When falling move the unit to the ground and take fall damage immediately after the damage was dealt. Otherwise, this is the same as a Standard Move.

Ranged Combat Phase:
'''Flight:''' Using this movement may gain or lose as many elevations per turn as it has Movement Points. Otherwise, this is the same as a Standard Move. This Unit may end its Movement Phase in the air without support and without falling. However, it must keep its Thruster Durability above the cost labeled below or it will lose the Flight Movement Action. If it loses the Flight Move Action but still has the Hover Move Action then it does not fall to the ground and instead is still considered to be in the air. Otherwise, this is the same as a Standard Move.  
Using your Units datasheet: determine which ranged weapon(s) you want to attack with and if the enemy is within its range. Next, determine which area(s) you want to attack. Be sure to have proper Line of Sight and the area is within your Field of View If you don't have both, you cannot attack that area. Once you determined your weapon, that the enemy is within range, the area you want to attack, and you have proper Line of Sight: subtract the AP it takes to fire that weapon from the AP Pool that Unit currently has. If the Unit does not have enough AP they cannot perform an attack. The Weapon AP cost on the datasheet is for a single attack. If a player has excess AP in there pool, they may attack more than once. After the Weapon AP cost has been subtracted from the Units current AP, the player may conduct an Accuracy Roll.

On the Units Datasheet there is a value that represents its accuracy. Using a D8, the player will roll to see if their shot is accurate. This means the player needs to roll equal-to or higher than the value that is shown on their datasheet. If the roll does not meet the aforementioned requirement then the shot misses and that phase is over. If the roll does meet the requirement, then the enemy has a chance to evade.
'''Cruise:''' In Water Tiles, the Cruise Move Action only costs 1 Move Action Point to move from one tile to the other. If a unit moves underwater it costs 2 Move Points, and the unit requires 2 Movement Points to move from one elevation in the Water Tile to the other. Moving out of the water to the land only costs 1 Move Point, however, if the unit does not have the Standard Movement action it costs 3 points to move on non-Water Tiles.  
Using a D8 again, the enemy player will conduct an Evasion Roll. Back to the datasheet, there is a value that represents a Units Evasion. If the enemy player's roll meets that requirement, then they successfully evade the incoming shot and the phase is over. If the fail to meet the requirement, then the shot hits its intended area.
Finally, there is one last roll the player conducts before the enemy subtracts the total weapon damage to the intended area and ending the ranged combat phase: the Critical Roll. With this roll, the player simply rolls a D8. If it lands on an 8, then half of the Flat Weapon Damage used to attack is added as a bonus onto the weapons flat damage. If it doesnt, then only the attacking weapons flat damage is subtracted from the intended areas defense. The image below shows the full course of fire.
Close Combat Phase:
The close combat phase is similar to the ranged combat phase with the major difference being that instead of using ranged weapons to attack, the unit uses melee weapons. This time instead of conducting an Accuracy Roll, you will conduct an Assault Roll. All of the above applies to this phase aswell.

'''Swim:''' In Water Tiles, the Swim Move Action only costs 1 Move Action Point to move from one tile to the other. If a unit moves underwater it costs 1 Move Point, and the unit requires 1 Movement Point to move from one elevation in the Water Tile to the other. Moving out of the water to the land only costs 1 Move Point, however, if the unit does not have the Standard Movement action it costs 3 points to move on non-Water Tiles.  
Important Notes

When the player chooses a Unit to move first, that Unit must move through each phase sequentially. They are allowed to skip over phases but they cannot go back to a phase prior to the one they started with. The below images shows the correct sequence in which the phases should be performed.
[[File:Movement options.png| frame | center | ]]


=== Movement ===
[[File:Rsz fovplus.png| frame |left | Fig 3a on the left shows a Top-Down perspective of a Unit's Field of View while fig 3b on the right shows a Side-View perspective with an elevation higher and lower than the Unit. Arrow indicates directional movement.]]

The image to the right shows all of the hexes that a Unit can move to. The arrow represents the Units forward facing direction.
<br />
'''Movement Within a Hex:''' Depending on the size of each Unit and the terrain it's on, you may find that you have a fair bit of room inside the hex your Unit resides on. Your Unit may move around freely inside the hex as long as 80% of the Unit is inside and is facing the direction it stopped in. You may use this to set up ambushes/ firing positions/ or take better cover.

Units can only move to the hexes directly around them. Once per movement phase, a Unit can rotate freely around on the same hex without having to use a movement point. The green hexes represent the area that is directly in front of the Unit while the red represent the area directly behind the Unit. This is important for a few reasons: first, the green area is not only the hexes directly in front of a Unit but they are also the Units Field of View. This applies when attacking a Unit. Secondly, the area in red is the Units Flank. When a Unit is attacked from its Flank it takes 2 bonus damage for every attack.
Two friendly Units may occupy the same hex as long as they do not physically overlap with one another. Two Units on opposing sides cannot occupy the same hex unless stated otherwise or one is on another elevation from the other.

==== Movement Within a Hex ====
[[File:Movement.png | frame |center| Fig 4a on the left shows allied Units 80% within the hex upon which they are standing and multiple Units on the same hex that are not overlapping. Fig 4b on the right shows opposing Units occupying the same hex, Units that are more than 80% outside their respective hex, and multiple friendly Units overlapping on the same hex.]]
Depending on the size of each Unit and terrain you are on, you may find that you have a fair bit of room inside the Hex your Unit resides on. Your Unit may move around freely inside the hex as long as 80% of the Unit is inside and is facing the direction it stopped in. You may use this to setup ambushes/ firing positions/ or take better cover.

Two friendly Units may occupy the same hex as long as they do not collide with one another. Two Units on opposing sides cannot occupy the same hex unless one is on another elevation from the other.
==== Combat ====
;1. Determine if Target Unit is in Line of Sight
;2. Select Core Part or Equipment to target
;3. Select a Weapon to attack with and measure Range
;4. Roll Attack
;5. Roll Evasion
;6. Allocate Damage

=== Command Actions ===
Choose a target that is within your Unit's Field of View (FoV) and Line of Sight (LoS).
FoV is determined by the first three hexes in front of your Unit in the direction it's facing- a Unit's Field of View includes all unobstructed hexes past those first three hexes. LoS is determined by using a straight line directly from the head of your Unit to the target. The Unit's Weapon must also have a clear LoS. If you can clearly see 80% the part you want to attack you may do so. If a unit takes up multiple hexes use the most lead hex to determine FoV. <!--If the Unit's Weapon AND head do not have a clear LoS, the Unit cannot Attack.-->

[[File:Core Section Targets smol.png| frame |center | The image depicts which Core Sections of the Alto (in red) are exposed when it's behind various pieces of cover. Left: Head, Torso, Left Arm, and Left Leg. Right: Head, Left and Right Arms, and Torso.]]

=== Combat ===
After you have determined the Unit is within view check the Range stat of the weapon you wish you use. Measure the range from the first hex in front of the Attacking Unit to the Target Unit. If the Target Unit is a distance under or equal to the Range stat then you may complete the attack. Measuring for this may be done at any time as long as it doesn't slow down gameplay.

All distances are measured in Hexes starting from the hex directly in front of a Unit. When attacking, you will need the target within the range of Hexes set by your Datasheet and you'll also need Line-Of-Sight. LoS is determined by looking over the shoulder (closest to the head) of your Unit directly to the target imagining a 30mm rod as a guide. The Units weapon must also have a clear LoS. If you can clearly see the part you want to attack you may do so. If the Units weapon AND head do not have a clear LoS, the Unit cannot fire.
[[File:Flow chart new.png |frame |center | Order of operations for Attack Rolls]]

==== Part Loss ====
Attacking is resolved with D8 rolls using the three stats: Accuracy, Assault, and Evasion. The player needs to roll '''equal to or higher than''' the Modified value shown on the Unit's Datasheet for every attack being made.
* Accuracy is used in Ranged Combat to determine a Unit's chances of hitting its target with a Ranged Weapon.
* Assault is used in Close Combat and determines a Unit's chances of hitting its target with a Melee Weapon.
* Evasion is used throughout combat and determines the chances a Unit has of dodging incoming attacks.

===== Core Parts =====
While making attacks Attacking Units will use their Accuracy or Assault stat. If the Attack is a success then the Defending Units will use their Evasion stat. Rolls can be [[Core_Rules#Modified_Rolls | modified by temporary buffs/debuffs]] during Engagements while [[Core_Rules#Modified_Stats | stats can be modified permanently via SMTs on the Unit's Datasheet]]. For a detailed breakdown of how combat is resolved specifically, see [[Core_Rules#Ranged_Combat_Phase | Combat Phases]].

There are 4 unique areas to a Standard Mech Unit: Head, Torso, Arm, and Leg. For Standard Vehicles: Cockpit, Tail, Inner Wings, and Outer Wings. Destroying each one results is a different penalty to the effected Unit. These effects do not stack.
If the weapon succeeded its Attack Roll and the Evasion Roll of the Defending Unit failed then deduct the Damage of the stat from the Durability of the Core Part or piece of Equipment that was Targeted. If that Part was destroyed then it is considered Inoperable and may no longer be used in the game. Core Parts being destroyed have detrimental effects on the Unit as detailed later.  

'''Critical Hits:''' Critical Hits are rolls of 8 when making an Attack Roll. They are always considered hits regardless of other modifiers.  
! Area || Penalty
| Head || Add 2 to the Units Accuracy stat.
| Torso || The entire Unit is considered destroyed.
| Arms || The effected Unit can no longer use, swap, or pickup carried weapons with that arm.
| Legs || When 1 leg is destroyed, Standard Movement is reduced by 1 hex and the effected Unit adds 2 to Assault and Evade stats. When both are destroyed, Standard Movement is reduced to 1 hex.

Destroyed Vs. Inoperative
'''Critical Misses:''' Critical Misses are rolls of 1 when making an Attack Roll. They are always considered misses regardless of other modifiers.  

When the Torso Defense Points of a Unit is reduced to 0, the Unit is considered destroyed. If a Units Torso remains intact but is unable to fight or finish the mission, it is considered Inoperative. This is most common when all of the limbs and weapons are destroyed.
===== Ranged Combat Phase =====
If a Unit chooses to take the Ranged Combat Phase then it may use any Ranged Weapon it has to attack with. Follow the steps for Combat as shown above and use the Accuracy stat for the Attack stat. If a unit depletes all of its AP before the Melee Combat Phase, the phase is skipped and the unit is moved to the Inactive state.
<!--Once you have determined your attacking Weapon(s); confirmed that the enemy is within range, Line-of-Sight, and Field of View; and selected which section you want to attack: subtract the AP it costs to fire that Weapon from the Unit's Stored AP. If a player has enough stored AP, they may attack more than once by subtracting the Weapon's AP cost multiple times. After paying the AP cost, the player conducts an Accuracy Roll.

If a player refuses to acknowledge that their Unit is inoperative, both players roll a D8 prior to the alleged Units movement phase. If the alleged Units player rolls higher than the accusing player, it may continue per normal. If the accusing player rolls higher, then that alleged Unit is deemed inoperative and the battle is over. This roll-off continues each time the alleged Unit takes a turn.
* On the Unit's Datasheet, there is a value that represents its Accuracy stat. Using a D8, the player needs to roll equal to or higher than the Modified Accuracy value shown on the Unit's Datasheet for every attack being made. If the roll (plus or minus any bonuses) does not meet the requirement or they roll a 1, then the shot misses. If the roll does meet the requirement, then the enemy has a chance to evade. If the roll is an 8, however, the shot is a Critical Hit and cannot be evaded. Critical Hits deal 1.5x (rounding up) the Base Damage of the Weapon.

===== Weapons =====
* On the enemy Units Datasheet, there is a value that represents a Units Evasion stat. Using another D8, the enemy player will conduct an Evasion Roll for every shot that passed its requirement but wasn’t a Critical Hit. If the enemy player's roll meets that requirement (plus or minus any bonuses) or rolls an 8, then they successfully evade the incoming shot. If the enemy failed to meet the requirement (plus or minus any bonuses) or rolls a 1, then the shot hits the targeted Section. -->

Destroyed weapons/ equipment give the Unit that destroyed them experience in campaign play as well as removing the effected Units ability to use it for the remainder of the battle.
===== Close Combat Phase =====
The Close Combat Phase is similar to the Ranged Combat Phase with the major difference being that instead of using Ranged Weapons to attack, the Unit uses Melee Weapons. All melee weapons have a range of 1 unless otherwise stated. Instead of conducting an Accuracy Roll, the player will conduct an Assault Roll. The process listed above otherwise applies to this Phase.  

Once all phases have ended, unused AP is stored using the D20, and the Active token is flipped over to the Inactive side. This signifies that the Unit cannot be activated again during that round.

'''Basic Attacks'''
Every Unit can use Basic Attacks, which is the name for any unarmed strike using any limb. These attacks are done during the Close Combat Phase. These attacks are not capable of doing Critical Hits on rolls of 8. All basic attacks have the same stats regardless of classification:

Mounted Weapons: When mounted weapons are destroyed, they explode dealing damage to the section they connected to. The damage dealt is equal to 50% of the destroyed weapons Flat Damage.
* 1 AP Cost
* 1 Base Damage
* 1 Range

==== Ranged Combat ====
====== Grappling ======
This is when one Unit physically grabs another and innates a fight. Grappling can only be performed during the Close Combat Phase and by Units with Arms.

==== Melee Combat ====
To initiate a Grapple, the attacking Unit must first be within melee range of the target. Then, at the cost of 2 AP, the Unit makes an Assault Roll.

===== Grappling =====
* If unsuccessful: the Unit can reroll for 2 additional AP, otherwise the Unit ends it turn per normal.
* If successful: the target then makes an Evasion Roll.

Every Unit that has hands can grapple. The range to engage in a grapple is 1 hex. Grappling can only be performed during the Close Combat Phase.
If the enemy Evasion Roll;

When a Unit engages in a grapple, both players roll for Assault and complete one of the following:
* Is successful: the grapple is evaded and the attacking Unit can no longer initiate another grapple.
* Is unsuccessful: the Units grapple is successful.

{| class="wikitable"
When a Unit successfully Grapples, it occupies the same hex as the enemy and is able to do one of two things: Throw or Hold the enemy.
! Action || Effect
| Attacking Unit passes and the Defending Unit fails || Defender suffers the effect
|Both Units pass || Both roll again until a winner is determined
| Attacking Unit fails and the Defending Unit passes || Defender breaks contact and grapple is over. No longer engage another grapple
| Both Units fail || Grapple is over

: Place a Hold token next to the Unit. Both Units cannot move from the hex while the Hold token exists. At the start of the next turn, the Unit Holding can attack with any Mounted Weapon or non-2H Weapon. If the grappling Unit wishes to disengage the Grapple, they may remove the token from play and move to the hex they initially started the grapple from.

When a Unit successfully engages a grapple, they are able to do two thing:
: While being held, the enemy gains -5 to Accuracy Rolls, cannot make Assault Rolls, and cannot evade incoming attacks. At the start of its next turn, it can use the Break Grapple Command Action to free itself. When used, it moves to the hex directly behind it and faces the attacker. If that hex is unavailable, it may move to one of the other hexes in its blind spot facing the attacker. If no hexes are available, the Command Action cannot be used. Once a hex has been chosen and the Unit moves, remove the Hold token from the map.

Options Attack Description Defend Description
Throw Throw them a max of (Attack Class + 1D4*) Hexes within FoV and deal (Throw Distance x 2 - Defend Class) Damage to Units Chest Lands on their back facing where they were thrown.
: An enemy can only be Thrown within the FoV of the attacking Unit. Use the ''Throw Distance'' formula to determine the maximum distance the enemy can be thrown. The attacking Unit can throw the enemy Unit anywhere within this maximum distance. Units can only be thrown to the same elevation or lower. Units are unable to throw other Units that have a higher Classification. Units that are Thrown to a lower elevation also take ''Fall Damage''.
Constrain Holds Unit in place. May attack with a single handed weapon during the next turn Cannot evade incoming attacks or perform attacks. Grapple rolls over to the next turn
The grapple is only over if the Attacking Unit releases the Defending Unit or if the Defending Unit uses the "Break Grapple" Command Action.

Weather a Defending Unit is Thrown or Constrained, the Attacking Unit now occupies the hex that they were on. If Thrown, the Defending Unit moves to the identified hex. If Constrained, both Units occupy the same hex until the Defending Unit Breaks Grapple or the Attacker releases them. In which case, the Defender moves to the hex directly behind where it was Constrained.
: Once the attacker specifies a hex for the defending Unit to land on, they then roll for Assault. This is to check Deviation (link). Pass, the Unit goes where intended. Fail, attacking Unit rolls 1d8 for Deviation and lands there instead.

*1D4 = 1D8 (1or2 = 1, 3or4 = 2, 5or6 = 3, 7or8 = 4)
: After the landing hex is determined, the defending Unit is placed on the specified hex on its back, face up, with its feet pointed at the attacker. The defending Unit receives ''Collision Damage'' to its torso. While on the ground, the defending Unit cannot Evade incoming attacks. If the attacking Unit has no more AP to spend, the turn is over. On the defending Unit's next turn, it must use the GetUp Command Action to get back on its feet. Otherwise, it will remain on the ground.

==== Status Effects ====
: Enemy Units can also be thrown into structures as well as other Units.

;'''Thrown into another Unit'''
A Unit is unable to move from the hex it is on. It may still attack and use abilities but cannot evade.
: If the attacker has specified a hex for the defending Unit to land on and its path is occupied by other Unit(s), the other Unit(s) will conduct an Evasion Roll. If successful, the defending Unit lands on the specified hex same as above and the other Unit(s) are untouched. If the other Unit(s) fails its Evasion roll, they take Collision Damage as well as the defending Unit and are now on the ground. This also includes allied Units.

;'''Thrown into a Structure'''
A Unit is unable to attack, evade, or move. Passive or automatic abilities continue to function.
: If the attacker has specified a hex for the defender to land on and it's occupied by a structure, place the defender on the same hex as the structure but not on the structure itself. Then apply Collision Damage to the defender's torso.  

: If the damage is less than the current Defense of the structure, the structure remains and the status effect "Stuck" is given to the Unit.
Refer to Advanced Gameplay

: If the damage is greater than the current Defense of the structure, the structure falls on top of the Unit and the current Defense is applied as Bonus Damage to the Unit's torso.  Remove the structure from the battlefield and replace it with a Black Hex. Then place the defending Unit on its back facing up with its feet facing the attacker. On the defending Unit's next turn, it must use the GetUp Command Action to get back on its feet. Otherwise, it will remain on the ground.
Refer to Advanced Gameplay

===== End of Round =====
Both players will take turns activating their Units and completing each phase. Once all Units have been activated the Inactive tokens are removed from every Unit and a new round begins. This continues until the Mission is completed or the turn limit has been reached.

=== Terrain ===
=== Destroying Unit Sections ===
When a limb is destroyed, remove the physical section from the model* and then apply the respective status effect accordingly:

Scenery on the battlefield can be many things. Ranging from tall buildings to small rocks or trees. Terrain features will be dictated by the Mission but are not limited by it. Different terrain features are represented by different colored hexes. Each colored hex give different advantages and disadvantages.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|- style="font-weight:bold;"
! Unit Section
! Description
| All Head Limbs
| style="text-align:left;" | Unit gains -1 to all Accuracy Rolls.
| Arm
| style="text-align:left;" | Unit can no longer pick up objects or attack with Weapons in that hand. Weapons that were held are now on the ground.
| All Arm Limbs
| style="text-align:left;" |  Unit can no longer perform grapples. The "Break Grapple" Command Action costs 4 Actions Points.
| Half Leg Limbs
| style="text-align:left;" | Unit gains -1 to Assault rolls and reduce standard movement points by 50% (rounded up). This debuff is applied once a Unit has lost half of its leg limbs (rounded up).  
| All Leg Limbs
| style="text-align:left;" | Unit gains -2 to Assault Rolls and standard movement points are reduced to 1. This penalty ''replaces'' the "Half Leg Limbs" penalty.

When placing terrain colors on the battlefield, different colors need to be placed atleast 1 hex apart. If a color description states its at a specific elevation, the only elevation that is can be placed is at the Zero Elevation (unless specific rules are applied).
∗A player can opt out of physically removing the section from the model by placing down the respective Destroyed Limb token. Status effects still apply.

==== Hexes ====
Any and all weapons/abilities are lost when the location they are attached to is destroyed.

==== Buildings ====
==== Destroyed vs Inoperative ====
When the ''' Torso Durability Points''' or '''Cockpit Durability Points''' of a Unit are reduced to 0, the Unit is considered destroyed. If a Mech Unit's Torso Core Part remains intact, but its limbs are all destroyed, it is considered Inoperative. If a Vehicle Unit's Cockpit Core Part remains intact, but it loses its ability to move, it is considered Inoperative. An Inoperative Unit can continue participating in the Engagement if it still has Drones or Mounted Weapons that have not been destroyed.

There are 4 unique areas to a Standard Mech Unit:
* Head, Torso, Arm, and Leg

Buildings / structures do not need to be placed on Black Hexes. However, when they are destroyed the hex they sit on then becomes a Black Hex. Structure defense points are calculated by how many floors it has. One floor is 2 Defense Points. When firing at a structure you are guaranteed a successful hit so you do not need to roll for accuracy. Critical Rolls and flat weapon damage are still applied as normal.
For Standard Vehicles:
* Cockpit, Body, and (wings/wheels/treads/etc).  

Some buildings are tall enough that they reach a higher elevation. You can tell by placing a standard hex on its corner. If its taller then the hex, its on a higher elevation.
Destroying each one results in a different penalty for that Unit.

If you wish to attack a Unit through a structure, you will first need to destroy it. All overflow damage (left over damage from your attack after the building was destroyed) is negated.
'''NOTE''': If your Unit does not start with one of these sections, they do not suffer the effects of not having them in the game.

==== Elevations ====  
=== Command Actions ===
Actions that can be made during a Units turn but aren’t tied to a specific phase. All Command Actions require 2 Action Points to conduct and can be used multiple times within a single turn. Command Actions (CA’s for short) are divided into 3 categories: State, Stance, & Order.

Units that can change their elevation will often find doing so to be advantageous and sometimes dangerous. On the table top, elevation up and down is the size of one Hex placed on its side [4.5"]. Units traveling to higher or lower elevations use 2 movement points to do so. If a Units waist [the area where there legs connect] or vehicle cockpit is above or below the plane to the next elevation, they are considered to be on that elevation. This also applies to structures and natural terrain.
* States are togglable actions.
* Stances are actions that can be taken out of turn. Activating these immediately ends the Units turn.
* Orders are actions given to drones.

Different elevations (often referred to as +/- "number") have the following effects:
<googlespreadsheet width="800px" height="400" style="width:100%">1_C7NQJUp3Mp4f-um1pdjqg1mSETzNeRW1XDPw9KhFiE</googlespreadsheet>

=== Status Effects ===
! Description || Bonus Effect
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; background-color:rgba(249, 249, 249, 0.67); color:#222;"
|- style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#EEE;"
! Name
! Token
! Description
| Conceal
| <>
| style="text-align:left;" | Unit gains +1 to their Evasion Rolls against ranged attacks.
| Overheat
| <>
| style="text-align:left;" | Unit is immediately put into the kneeling position and ends its turn.
| Freeze
| <>
| style="text-align:left;" | Unit ends its turn immediately. Upon its next activation, its max AP storage capacity is limited to 8.
| Euphotic
| <>
| style="text-align:left;" | Standard Movement is reduced by 2 Movement Points.
| +3 Exclusively used by Flight Types. || +1 to Evasion Rolls and Accuracy Rolls as well as +1 to ranged weapons range.
| Abyss
| <>
| style="text-align:left;" | Standard Movement is reduced by 2 movement points and the Unit takes 10 damage to the torso per turn.  
| +2 The highest elevation which a non-flying Unit can get to. || +1 to ranged weapons range and Accuracy Rolls
| Stuck
| <>
| style="text-align:left;" | The Unit is unable to move and is considered '''Inoperable''' until the stuck condition is removed.
|+1 The most common elevation for Units that have the ability to Fly/ Hover. || +1 to Accuracy Rolls.
| Hold
| <>
| style="text-align:left;" | The Unit is being held by another unit. It may only take the '''Break Hold''' Command Action.  
| 0 This is the most common elevation for battlefields. All Units can be used at this elevation. || No bonus effect.
| System Error
| <>
| -1 The most common elevation for Units that have the ability to Swim/ Cruise. || +1 to Evasion Rolls.
| style="text-align:left;" | Unit ends its turn immediately. Before its next activation, roll 1d8 to reboot. On a 5 or higher, the Unit continues activation per normal. On a 4 or lower, the Unit activation is canceled and its turn ends. Upon subsequent activations, the pass requirement is lowered by 1.
| -2 The lowest point Units can reach. || +1 standard movement point and +2 to Evasion Rolls
| Airborne
| <>
| style="text-align:left;" | If a Unit has the Hover/Fly System, place a corresponding token (+1/+2/+3) next to them to indicate their elevation. Remove if on ground level.
| Submerged
| <>
| style="text-align:left;" | If a Unit has the Cruise/Swim System, place a corresponding token (-1/-2) next to them to indicate their elevation. Remove if on ground level.

== Terrain ==
Scenery on the battlefield can range from tall buildings to small rocks or trees. Some terrain features are included by individual Missions. Different terrain features are represented by different colored hexes. Each colored hex gives different advantages and/or disadvantages.

Weapon Ranges & Elevations
When placing terrain colors on the battlefield, different colors need to be placed at least 1 hex apart. If a color description states to place it at a specific elevation, the only elevation that it can be placed is at the Zero Elevation (unless otherwise specified by another rule).
When determining range to/ from an elevation, that elevation number must also be included into the distance to the target. For example: If you were on -2 attacking a enemy who was 6 hexes away on +1, the total range would be 9 hexes. So your attacking weapon would need to have a range of at least 9.

==== Environmental Effects ====
=== Elevations ===  
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left:10px;"
|- style="font-weight:bold;"
! Elevation
! Description
| style="text-align:center;" | +3
| style="text-align:left;" | Exclusively used by Flight Types.
| style="text-align:center;" | +2
| style="text-align:left;" | The highest elevation which a non-flying Unit can maneuver to.
| style="text-align:center;" | +1
| style="text-align:left;" | The most common elevation for Units that have the ability to Fly/Hover.
| style="text-align:center;" | 0
| style="text-align:left;" | Ground Level. All Units can be used at this elevation.
| style="text-align:center;" | -1
| style="text-align:left;" | The most common elevation for Units that have the ability to Swim/Cruise.
| style="text-align:center;" |  -2
| style="text-align:left;" | The lowest point Units can reach.
[[File:elevation.png | frame |Right| ]]
Elevation can be used to give Units a strong advantage in combat. Elevation is a factor when choosing where to move or where to attack from. The game has a total of 5 different elevations. Starting from the lowest to the highest;  -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3. Ground level is represented by 0. This is were all engagements take place unless otherwise stated by the mission or terrain.

== Missions ==
Each level of elevation is 4.5 inches below/above the previous/next level. This can easily be measured by placing an Action Base 4/5 on its corner vertically. Everything below that height is on 0 elevation (Ground Level).

The Mission will dictate how you create your Squad, the Battlefield, and deploy your Units. It will also specify any Objectives that will be added to the battle. Most importantly it will outline what you need to do to win. Alternate Missions can be found in the Advanced Gameplay section. The default Mission is Elimination.
Units traveling to higher elevations use 2 Movement Points to do so while Units traveling to lower elevations only use a single Movement Point. A Unit's elevation is determined by where a Mech Unit's waist [where its legs connect] or a Vehicle Unit's cockpit is. This also applies to structures and natural terrain.
<br clear=all>
==== High Ground Bonus ====
{| class="wikitable" style="float:left; margin-right:10px;"
|- style="font-weight:bold;"
! Elevation Difference
! High Ground Bonus Effect
| style="text-align:center;" | 0
| style="text-align:center;" | No Bonus
| style="text-align:center;" | 1
| style="text-align:center;" | +1 to Assault Rolls
| style="text-align:center;" | 2-3
| style="text-align:center;" | +1 to Accuracy Rolls
| style="text-align:center;" | 4-5
| style="text-align:center;" | +2 to Accuracy Rolls
When an attacking Unit is on a higher elevation than its target, that Unit receives a High Ground Bonus (HGB). This bonus is determined by the difference in elevations between the attacking Unit and its target. Units attacking a target at higher elevations do not gain the HGB.
<br clear=all>

{| class="wikitable"
=== Hex Colors and Effects ===
!Mission || Objective || Setup || Intel
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! Name
! Represents
! Description
! Effect
| Grey
| Road or any generic flat land.
| style="text-align:left;" | The default hex. This hex represents nothing more than a place to stand/move on.
| style="text-align:center;" | -
| Elimination || Destroy Your Enemy || N/A || The default mission when playing a game.
| Red
| Lava
| style="vertical-align:middle; background-color:rgba(249, 249, 249, 0.67); color:#222; text-align:left;" | An extremely hot tile, either lava or some other superheated material dangerous even to ExMac units and vehicles.
| style="text-align:center;" | Causes the '''Overheat''' status effect when ending your turn on the tile.  
|Retrieval || N/A || Place 3 moveable objects on the battlefield. Must not be within 5 hexes of one another. || N/A
| Tan
| Desert Area
| style="text-align:left;" | A barren area/landscape where little to no precipitation occurs.
| style="text-align:left;" | Any '''Move''' action costs +1 Movement point per hex. '''Thruster''' and '''Flight''' moves are not affected .
|Domination || The first player to 7 points wins. || Identify the 6th hex inwards on both short sides of the battlefield.  || The area in between these hexes are where Objectives can be placed. Each player then rolls a D8. The player with the highest number may place down one Objective in this area. Both players continue this until 3 Objectives are on the battlefield. Objectives cannot be within 5 hexes of one another. When a players Unit is within a 1 hex radius of the Objective, that player gains 1 point at the end of the turn. If multiple players have Units inside the same Objectives radius, the player with the most Units inside the radius gains the point at the end of the turn. If both players have the same number of Units on the Objective, neither gains a point at the end of the turn. If both players tie for 7 points at the end of a turn, the game continues until the tie is broken.
| White
| Snowy Area
| style="text-align:left;" | A blanket of white covers the area. Cold winds and mechanical problems are plenty.
| style="text-align:left;" | Any '''Move''' action costs +1 Movement point per hex. '''Thruster''' and '''Flight''' moves are not affected .
|Assassination || Destroy targeted enemy Unit. || Prior to Unit Deployment, each player choses one Unit from the enemy Squad to be assassinated. || Must not be Class 5 Unit.
| Green
| Wooded Area
| style="text-align:left;" | Trees and foliage cover the land.
| style="text-align:left;" | -1 to Accuracy rolls for every green hex within the Unit's Line-of-Sight to its target. This effect stacks on itself. If a Unit is on the hex, they gain the '''Conceal''' status Effect.
| Black
| Ruined Structures
| style="text-align:left;" | Piles of concrete and metal litter the area. What used to be structures that touched the sky now hug the ground. Dense black smoke emanates from the rubble.
| style="text-align:left;" | Movement Point cost required to move through a black hex is doubled. -1 to Accuracy rolls for every black hex within a Unit's Line-of-Sight to its target.
| Light Blue
| Shallow Ocean
| style="text-align:left;" | Body of water. Shallow enough to see the bottom yet deep enough to completely lose a Unit to the seas.
| style="text-align:left;" | As soon as a Unit moves on/over this hex, unless they have the Swim/Cruise System, they gain the '''Euphotic''' status Effect.
| Dark Blue
| Deep Ocean
| style="text-align:left;" | The lowest body of water a Unit can go. There is no light, the pressure is extreme, and the tempatures are near freezing.
| style="text-align:left;" | As soon as a Unit moves on/over this hex, unless they have the Swim/Cruise Sytsem, they gain the '''Abyss''' status Effect.

Fuck I don't know a list of missions
=== Buildings and Structures ===
[[File:Defense structure chart.png| frame | right ]]
Structures can be destroyed to aid or hinder player tactics. Buildings/structures do not need to be placed on black hexes. However, when they are destroyed the hex/hexes they occupy then become a black hex. The chart on the right shows how building Defense is calculated. Some buildings are tall enough that they reach a higher elevation. You can tell by placing a standard hex on its corner. If it's taller than the hex (4.5"), it's on a higher elevation.
When firing at a structure, you are guaranteed a successful hit and do not need to roll for Accuracy. Base Damage is applied as normal. If an attack is made that doesn't completely destroy the building/structure, that damage is subtracted from the building/structure's total Defense. If you wish to attack a Unit through a structure, you will first need to destroy it and then make a separate attack targeting the intended Unit.

== Terminology ==

<blockquote style="background-color: lightgrey; border: solid thin grey;">
*The building you want to attack through is occupying 1 hex and is in +1 elevation. This means it has a total Defense of 20.
:: If your total damage is less than 20, the building still stands with its remaining Defense left over. If your total damage is more than 20, the building falls and you may then target the enemy Unit on the other side with a new attack.
* NOTE: Since excess damage doesn't pass through the structure, it is advised that you make only the necessary amount of shots needed to bring it down so you still have some attacks for the enemy.

{| class="wikitable"
=== Non-Hex Terrain ===
! Term
This terrain is also known as Scatter Terrain. Pieces of Terrain that aren't connected to a hex or hex effect. They may be for decoration or may be used for cover. When building the map come to an agreement with your opponent on which will grant cover and which is purely decorative.
! style="text-align:left;" | Definition
| Accuracy Roll || Chances of landing a shooting attack with D8.
| Assault Roll || Chances of landing a melee attack with D8.
| Counter Roll || Chances of returning fire when evasion rolls are successful. Flat damage of primary weapon. D8
| Evasion Roll || Chances of Evading incoming attacks. D8
| Critical Roll || Chances of successful attack being a Critical Hit. D8
| Perfect Roll || Perfect Accuracy and Assault rolls gives uninvadable attacks. Critical Rolls give critical hits.
| Critical Hit || Adds 1/2 of the weapons flat damage as bonus damage (round up).
| Classification || Determined by the Total Defense Points of a Unit.
| Line of Sight || A straight line to the area being targeted. Observed with an unobstructed view.
| Field of View || The hexes directly left and right of front center in a Units direction as limits.
| Standard Movement || Also referred to as Standard Movement Points: is how many hexes you can move in a single turn
| Thruster Movement || Only available if thrusters are on model. Forfeit Ranged and Close Combat phases if used. Path is linear to the direction you choose. If an obstacle blocks the full travel, the Unit stops one hex prior.
| Action Points || Also refereed to as AP: are points used to determine how many actions can be performed in a single turn.
| Command Actions || Also referred to as AP: are any action NOT dealing with active movement or combat. Requires 2 AP to perform.
| Equipped Weapons || Weapons that are being held in the hands of a Unit.
| Mounted Weapons || Weapons that cannot be swapped out. Explode when destroyed. Damages ONLY area it was attached to.
| Carried Weapons || Weapons that are being stored on the Unit. Max of 3 weapons. Can be equipped or retrieved if space is available. Need to be equipped before using.
| Flat Damage || How much damage a weapon deals.
| Fall Damage || 3 x elevation height in damage to both legs/ cockpit.
| Systems || Abilities that directly come from parts on the physical Unit model. Having these parts on the model does not automatically give the Unit the ability.
| Mods || Abilities that
| Traits || Abilities granted to the Unit from the pilot.
| Artificial Intelligence || RoyRoy heads have their own sentience. Mainly used for giving drones life.
| Core Parts || Any and all parts that make up the CORE of the unit. EG; head, head armor, chest, knee armor, etc.
| Core Stats || Core parts that are grouped into individual sections. EG; Head, Arms, Legs, Torso, etc.
| Core Type || Determines your Units base Stats. Each Core Type is as different as the stats they give.
| Deployment Cost || The overall Cost of a Unit. This includes Weapons, Equipment, Defense, Systems, Mods, etc.
| Two Handed Weapon || When a part is labeled as 2 handed, the Unit using is must use two hands to properly wield this weapon. If two hands are not used, the complete weapons damage is reduced by .5. This requirement doesn't count towards mounting the weapon. When making this on the datasheet include the tag "[2H]" next to the weapons name.
| S.R.M. || Stat Reduction Modifiers. Shows how many times a Units base stats can be lowered. Max reduction of 2/2/2.

== Battles ==
Battles are waged by following the sequence below:
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left:10px;"
|- style="font-weight:bold;"
! Engagement Size
! Deployment Cost Limit
| Scouting
| 600
| Skirmish
| 1200
| Operation
| 1800
| Battle
| 2500
;1. '''Selecting a Engagement Size'''
: Players must first choose an engagement size they wish to play: Scouting, Skirmish, Operation, or Conflagration. This determines the Deployment Cost available for each team.
;2. '''Choosing a Mission'''
: Players determine which Mission will be carried out during the battle; they can only choose from the available Missions in their engagement size. This will determine the Deployment Area the players use as well as specific Mission objectives and certain terrain features. You can either simply agree with your opponent on which Mission to play, or you can roll to randomly select a Mission using one of the following tables:
{| class="wikitable" style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; display: inline-table;"
! colspan="2" style="background-color:#9b9b9b;" | Scouting
|- style="background-color:#efefef;"
| D8
| Mission
|- style="font-weight:normal;"
| 1-4
| [[Reconnaissance]]
|- style="font-weight:normal;"
| 5-8
| [[Show of Force]]
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; display: inline-table;"
|- style="font-weight:bold;"
! colspan="2" style="background-color:#9b9b9b;" | Skirmish
|- style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#efefef;"
| D8
| Mission
| 1-2
| [[Winds of War]]
| 3-4
| [[Endless Pursuit]]
| 5-6
| [[Counterattack!]]
| 7-8
| [[The Call of Darkness]]
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; display: inline-table;"
|- style="font-weight:bold;"
! colspan="2" style="background-color:#9b9b9b;" | Operation
|- style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#efefef;"
| D8
| Mission
| 1-2
| [[The Order to Destroy]]
| 3-4
| [[Emissary of Darkness!]]
| 5-6
| [[Burning Sandstorm]]
| 7-8
| [[Protect the Relic]]
{| class="wikitable" style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; display: inline-table;"
! colspan="2" style="background-color:#9b9b9b;" | Battle
|- style="background-color:#efefef;"
| D8
| Mission
|- style="font-weight:normal;"
| 1-4
| [[Protect the Base]]
|- style="font-weight:normal;"
| 5-8
| [[Marshall Law]]
;3. '''Assembling a Squad'''
: Players must then assemble a Squad with a sum total Deployment Cost less than the listed Deployment Cost Limit for the engagement size.
;4. '''Reading Mission Briefing'''
: Each Mission has a Mission briefing that will detail the primary objectives that award points to the players. Some Mission briefings also list one or more Mission rules that will apply for the duration of the battle. The players should read and familiarize themselves with these before proceeding.
;5. '''Creating the Battlefield'''
: The players now create the battlefield and set up terrain features. Missions are played on rectangular hex-grid battlefields which measure 16x13 hexagonal tiles, or 202 total hexes, with the flat side facing each player.
;6. '''Placing Objective Markers'''
: The players now set objective markers up on the battlefield. Each Mission’s deployment map will show the players how many to set up and where each should be placed.
;7. '''Determine who is Attacker and Defender'''
: Players roll 1D8 to determine this. The highest value chooses who will be Attacker and Defender. The Attacker goes first in the engagement but the Defender chooses their Deployment Area.
;8. '''Choose a Deployment Area'''
: The Defender chooses their deployment area first followed by the Attacker.
;9. '''Deploy Squads'''
: Squad deployment is done in alternating order. Check [[Core_Rules#Deployment]] for more information. There may be more specific rules in the mission briefing.
;10.'''Begin the Battle'''
: Resolve any pre-battle rules then begin activation with the Attacker's first unit.
;11.'''End the Battle'''
: The battle ends when the number of turns pass in the mission briefing or all of one side's units have become destroyed or inoperable.

;12.'''Determine the Victor'''
: Each player can score a maximum of 7 points from primary objectives and a maximum of 7 points from secondary objectives for a total of 14 possible points (any excess victory points awarded are discounted).
== Terminology ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; background-color:#F8F9FA; color:#202122;"
|- style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#EAECF0;"
! Term !! Definition
| Accuracy Roll
| style="text-align:left;" | 1d8 that determines the outcome of a Ranged Attack.
| Assault Roll
| style="text-align:left;" | 1d8 that determines the outcome of a Melee Attack.
| Evasion Roll
| style="text-align:left;" | 1d8 that determines the outcome of an attempted Evasion.
| Critical Hit
| style="text-align:left;" | An attack that cannot be Evaded. Adds .5 of the Weapon's Base Damage as bonus damage (round up).
| On-Target
| style="text-align:left;" | After an Accuracy/Assault Roll is successful but an Evasion Roll has yet to be conducted.
| Classification
| style="text-align:left;" | Determined by the Total Defense Points of a Unit.
| Line of Sight
| style="text-align:left;" | A straight, unobstructed line from an attacking Unit to its target.
| Field of View
| style="text-align:left;" | The hexes in the front-left, front-right, and front-center in the direction a Unit is facing as well as every hex behind those hexes.
| Blind Spot
| style="text-align:left;" | The hexes in the rear-left, rear-right, and rear-center in the direction a Unit is facing.
| Standard Movement
| style="text-align:left;" | Also referred to as Standard Movement Points. The number of hexes a Unit can move in a single turn
| Thruster Movement
| style="text-align:left;" | Only available if thrusters are on a Unit's model. Forfeit Ranged and Close Combat phases if used. The path a Unit takes is linear in the direction the player chooses. If an obstacle blocks the full travel length, the Unit stops one hex prior to that obstacle.
| Action Points
| style="text-align:left;" | Also referred to as AP. Points used to determine how many actions can be performed in a single turn.
| Command Actions
| style="text-align:left;" | Also referred to as CA. Any action NOT dealing with the Movement Phase or either of the two Combat Phases. Requires 2 AP to perform any CA.
| Equipped Weapons
| style="text-align:left;" | Weapons that are being held in the hands of a Unit.
| Mounted Weapons
| style="text-align:left;" | Weapons that are mounted directly to a Units Section. Cannot be swapped. Roll 1d8. If 6+, will explode when destroyed, dealing 100% weapon damage to the section it was attached to.
| Carried Weapons
| style="text-align:left;" | Weapons that are being stored on the Unit but not Equipped. Can be Equipped or Retrieved if space is available in the Unit's hand(s). These Weapons must be Equipped before using.
| Base Damage
| style="text-align:left;" | How much damage a weapon deals before modifications.
| Fall Damage
| style="text-align:left;" | 2 ( Unit Classification * Elevation Height) to the Units Leg Sections (or Torso if no legs).
| Collision Damage
| style="text-align:left;" | 2 ( Moving Unit Classification * Thrown Distance)
| Throw Distance
| style="text-align:left;" | 8 - (Attacker Modified Assault Stat)
| Systems
| style="text-align:left;" | Abilities that directly come from parts on the physical Unit model. Having these parts on the model does not automatically give the Unit the ability.
| Mods
| style="text-align:left;" | Abilities that come from upgrades and tuning of the Unit's internal components which are not immediately visible on the model.
| Traits
| style="text-align:left;" | Abilities granted to the Unit from the pilot.
| Artificial Intelligence
| style="text-align:left;" | RoyRoy heads have their own sentience used for giving Drones autonomy.
| Core Parts
| style="text-align:left;" | Any and all parts that make up the CORE of the unit- limbs and the armor attached to those limbs. e.g. head, head armor, chest, knee armor, etc.
| Unit Sections
| style="text-align:left;" | Core parts that are grouped into individual sections. EG; Head, Arms, Legs, Torso, etc.
| Core Type
| style="text-align:left;" | Determines your Unit's base Stats. Each Core Type provides different Stats.
| Deployment Cost
| style="text-align:left;" | The overall Cost of a Unit toward the Deployment Cost Limit of any Engagement. This includes Weapons, Equipment, Defense, Systems, Mods, etc.
| S.R.M.
| style="text-align:left;" | Stat Reduction Modifiers. This number reperesents how many times a Unit's base stats can be lowered to a minimum of 2 Accuracy, 2 Assault, and 2 Evasion.
| Main Unit
| style="text-align:left;" | Refers to a single Unit that controls drones.


Latest revision as of 11:01, 20 August 2024


The 30 Minute Missions: Wargame is an asymmetrical wargame played by 2+ players with an Attacker team and Defender team. The game can be played by any number of players but must remain in the Attacker and Defender style unless otherwise stated. Teams do not have to have the same number of players.

You can play alone similar to how one would play themselves in chess, but it is not recommended.

Combat Objective

The game is won after the primary objective of the mission you are playing has been completed. These range from holding an objective for multiple turns, getting an object and moving to your side of the board, or simply destroying the enemy forces.

Required Components


It is recommended that you have at least 1 eight-sided dice (D8), but having multiple will make it so you can roll all of your attacks at once instead of one at a time. It is also advised that you have a twenty-sided dice (D20) on hand for each unit to use to keep track of how many Action Points a Unit has, however a piece of paper will do as well.

If a rule requires a D8 roll 3 or higher, this is often abbreviated as 3+.

Objective Markers

Objective Markers can be anything as long as they fit on a hex and do not interfere with the movement of most units. There will be cases where a unit takes up a whole hex or will otherwise cause an issue with the token. In those cases make a mark of where the token was on a piece of paper or other notation.


While playing the game, you may need various tokens to identify a status effect or elevation.


Described in greater detail later. Units mean the 1/144 scale models built using 30mm Parts. Other models in the same scale may be used as well. We suggest a minimum of 1 unit per person playing. However without a points balance this may skew combat in favor of one player over the other.


The Datasheet contains your unit's information. Defense, Weapons, and other special abilities will all be listed here. More information is found on the Unit Datasheet Creation page.

Unit Information

Units are the giant robots (mechs) and vehicles used and while any thing can be used the game is designed with primarily with 30 Minute Mission parts in mind .

Unit Sections

When a player is creating their Unit, they need to determine its Unit Sections. Unit Sections (US) are groups of individual parts combined to form specific areas that perform a certain function. First, a player needs to determine what type of Unit they created. Whether it be a Mech or a Vehicle each type has different Unit Sections available to it with many being used by the other types. Drones, which may be a Mech Unit, Vehicle Unit, or Equipment, may also require some of these Sections depending on build. Determine what Sections are needed for your Unit type by their movement requirements.

Battlefield Layout

Unit Sections:

  • Head - The upper part of a Mech Units body. Contains complex camera systems to provide visuals to the pilot in real-time.
  • AI Cockpit - Main Section of a Drone/Mech/Vehicle. Contains the A.I. pilot.
  • Torso - Main Section of a Mech Unit. Holds the pilot.
  • Cockpit - Main Section of a Vehicle. Holds the pilot.
  • Arm - The upper limb of a Mech Unit. Has the ability to pick up/hold/carry various things.
  • Tail - A modified arm, usually used for stability and aesthetics. May have weapons or thrusters attached to it.
  • Leg - Each of the limbs on a Unit that provides movement.
  • Aquatic Drive - A section that provides movement in Water and Deep Water Tiles. Requires for Aquatic vehicles.
  • Aerial Drive - A Section that provides flight in some form either for hovering or actual flight. It is a requirement for Aerial Vehicles.
  • Terra Drive - A Section that provides movement across the ground. It grants standard movement and is a requirement for Terrestrial Vehicles.

Next, Identify how many Sections your Unit has and what each one is. Mech Units normally have a head, two arms, two legs, as well as a Torso. Vehicle Units normally have at least one Drive Section and a Cockpit. Drones normally have a single AI Cockpit Section. All of these may vary depending on how you build your Units.

Unit Types

Units are divided into the following Types:


A unit that meets any of the following guidelines:

  • Uses legs as its main form of transportation
  • Has or relies on arms to perform its primary functions
  • Has a clear and obvious torso

This is the standard Engagement Unit.


Any Unit that relies on jet propulsion, wheels, tracks/treads, or rotors as its primary source of movement and doesn't have any form of arms. Any part that isn't part of a Drive Core Section, weapon, or equipment is considered part of the Cockpit Core Section.

All Vehicle types gain the following changes to their gameplay:

  • Must have a Cockpit Unit Section in place of a Torso Unit Section.
  • When checking line of sight (LoS), the reference point starts at the Units cockpit.
  • Cannot physically pick up or interact with any objects.
  • Cannot change elevation [+/-] without appropriate Abilities.
  • Cannot obtain the Jump Ability.

Vehicles are broken down into 3 categories: Terrestrial, Aerial, and Aquatic. Each one has specific requirements that must be met in order for a vehicle to be considered one or the other. Below is each category along with its Requirements, Restrictions, and Bonuses.


Land-based vehicles.

Any Unit that meets the following requirements are to be regarded as a Terrestrial Vehicle Unit:

  • Must contain at least two Terra Drive Unit Sections.
  • Does not contain Flight Drive Unit Sections.
  • Does not contain Aquatic Drive Unit Sections.

The following are restrictions that a Terrestrial Unit must follow:

  • Weapon range is halved when firing through green hexes.
  • Movement costs 2x when traveling over green hexes.

The following bonuses are given to Terrestrial Vehicles:

  • FoV is all 6 hexes around the Unit (360 degrees).
  • Main Cannon has an AP reduction of 3 (to a minimum of 4).

Usually a plane, helicopter, or other vehicle for flying in appearance.

Any Unit that meets the following requirements are to be regarded as an Aerial Vehicle Unit:

  • Must contain at least one Flight Core Part
  • Does not contain Aquatic Drive Unit Sections.
  • Does not contain Terra Drive Unit Sections.

The following are restrictions that an Aerial Unit must follow:

  • Cannot move on 0 Elevation (Ground Level).
  • Can only use thruster movement.
  • All movement points must be used during activation. Failure to do so will result in Unit taking fall damage to Cockpit Unit Section.
  • Standard movement is an exclusive Command Action that can only be gained with the use of rotor parts.

The following bonuses are given to Aerial Vehicles: Strafing runs: When the unit passes directly over enemy units (a single elevation directly above) during the movement phase, it may pause its movement and conduct a single ranged combat or close combat attack. After the attack has been resolved, the unit can continue with its movement phase. This can be repeated.


Usually a boat, submarine, or other vehicle for navigating the water.

Any Unit that meets the following requirements are to be regarded as an Aquatic Vehicle Unit:

  • Must contain at least one Aquatic Drive Unit Section.
  • Must not contain Terra Drive Unit Sections.
  • Must not contain Aerial Drive Unit Sections.

The following are restrictions that an Aquatic Unit must follow:

  • Can only move over light/dark blue hexes.

The following bonuses are given to Aquatic Vehicles:

  • Attacks made with missile pods don't need LoS.


Drones are typically smaller units or equipment controlled by a larger or more networked unit. Drones can be either mechs OR vehicles.

There are two categories of Drones:

  • A.I. Drones
  • Non-AI Drones

A.I. Drones:

AI Drones are drones that are controlled by artificial intelligence. These are considered their own Units and as such, get their own Datasheet. The pilot for this Unit must be an AI and can be selected when choosing the rank/AI.

Non-A.I. Drones:

Non-AI Drones are drones that need to be controlled by a Main Unit with the Control Management Mod.


Total Defense Classification Base Movement Base Action Points
0 - 75 Class 1 5 1d8 + 2
76 - 150 Class 2 4 1d8 + 2
151 - 225 Class 3 3 1d8 + 3
226 - 300 Class 4 2 1d8 + 4
301+ Class 5 1 1d8 + 4

There are 5 different classifications that provide different starting bonuses and limitations based on the size of your Unit. This is determined by the Total Defense value of all of Core Parts combined.


Are groups of units usually no more than 5 as a game of 6 or more can become longer and slow down the game. These are generally called Lances or Fire Teams depending on size and your own preferences.


Datasheets show detailed stats and abilities for each Unit. You will need to create a Datasheet for every Unit in your Squad. Which instructions for can be found Unit Datasheet Creation.


Battlefield Layout

Board Setup

All Missions take place on a battlefield overlayed by a hexagonal grid. Each hex space is the same size as an action base 4/5 - 4.5 inches. This eliminates the need for measuring tools and makes movement/weapon ranges easier to calculate.

However, if a person wishes to play without hexes all movement can be done with action bases and movement being 4.5 inches per movement point.

A full-sized battlefield measures 14 hexes (58.5 in) on the long side by 11 hexes (38.3 in) on the short side, with the flat sides facing each player.

Missions will give suggestions on more specific terrain setups. It is suggested a matching terrain setup for each side when playing a destroy all targets type mission.


Players roll 1D8 to determine who goes first. The higher roll chooses who gets to be Attacker and who gets to be Defender. The Attacker goes first and has starting initiative, but the Defender chooses their Deployment Area.

In 3+ player games, players choose which team to participate on and share Units and turns with their teammates. At the start of the round players roll for initiative with the higher roll, giving the first chance to move a unit.


Once the attacker and defender have been selected, it is now time for the players to deploy their squads to the battlefield. Each side has a dedicated Deployment Area laid out in the mission details. Standard Deployment Areas are the first 3 hexes from the short side table edge on both sides.

Starting with the attacker, they will place one Unit within their Deployment Area on any elevation/terrain they see fit. If their Unit flies/swims, they may start in the air/water but must place a token down notating its elevation. Once the attacker's Unit has been deployed, the defender does the same. In an alternating fashion, both players continue to deploy Units until everyone is on the battlefield. If a player has any Units in reserve [Tentative name change] place them off to the side until given orders to deploy.

After both sides have deployed their Units, the Deployment Phase has ended and the beginning of the Round can begin.


Then the player with initiative activates a Unit which starts the Unit's turn. A turn consists of three phases in order: Movement Phase, Ranged Combat Phase, and then Close Combat Phase. Units can only be activated once per Round. After the unit has completed its turn the next player with initative may activate a unit. This continues until all players have activated a unit then the player who started the round may activate another unit. If a player has no Units left to act with, they skip their turn. Once all players have run out of Units with available turns, that Round is over. When the Round is over, a new Round begins with the same player starting first. This continues until the Mission is completed or a player surrenders.

When a Unit has been activated, place down an Activation token next to the Unit. Once the Unit has finished its turn, flip the token over to Inactive. This indicates that the Unit has already been activated during that round and cannot be activated again. When a new round begins, remove all Inactive tokens from the battlefield.

Phases of a Turn

Phases of a turn are sequential

Each turn is separated into 3 phases; Movement Phase, Ranged Combat Phase, and the Close Combat Phase. When the player activates a Unit, that Unit must act in each phase sequentially. They are allowed to skip over phases but they cannot go back to a prior or skipped phase afterward.

Movement Phase


1. Choose a Unit to Activate
2. Roll AP
3. Move the Unit
Active Token

Choose a Unit to activate then the Movement Phase begins. First, place down an Active Token next to the Unit The token is to keep track of which Units have already been activated during that turn. Then roll 1D8 to see how many Action Points the Unit can add to its Base AP. Action Points can be used throughout that Unit's turn on Attacking or Command Actions. Any Action Points that do not get used are stored and can be used in future turns. This is capped at 16 AP per Unit. Place a D20 next to the Unit to keep track of its stored AP.

Next, a Unit may take a Move action. There are multiple types of movement based on the capacity of the unit. A unit may move onto one of the three hexes within the Units Field of View (represented by Fig 3). When using a unit that sits on multiple hexes rotate and move from the lead hex of the unit where the Field of Vision (FoV) originates.

Standard Movement: Moving a Unit normally based on the Standard Movement stat available to its Classification. Units may rotate around on the same hex to change their Field of View at the cost of 1 Standard Movement Point. Once per Movement Phase, a Unit can rotate freely around on the same hex without having to use a Standard Movement Point. Units cannot see beneath their elevation or behind themselves unless otherwise stated. When moving up an elevation the movement costs 2 Standard Movement Points. While moving in water it costs 2 Movement Points to leave the water and 2 Movement Points to move between hexes.

Thruster Movement: The Thruster Movement stat doubles the Units Standard Movement. The direction of travel is linear and must move the full amount listed. Only available to use when the Unit has any thrusters attached.

Movement Options

When a Unit meets the required amount of thruster durability, they have the option to use the following movement options. Use the chart below to determine which option is available to your Unit.

Hover: Using this movement may gain or lose 1 elevation per turn with the cost of a Standard Movement Point. This Unit may be in the air without support without falling. However, it must keep its Thruster Durability above the cost labeled below or it will lose the Hover Movement Action. If the Unit loses enough Thruster Durability to have it lose the Hover Move Action then it falls to the ground taking fall damage. When falling move the unit to the ground and take fall damage immediately after the damage was dealt. Otherwise, this is the same as a Standard Move.

Flight: Using this movement may gain or lose as many elevations per turn as it has Movement Points. Otherwise, this is the same as a Standard Move. This Unit may end its Movement Phase in the air without support and without falling. However, it must keep its Thruster Durability above the cost labeled below or it will lose the Flight Movement Action. If it loses the Flight Move Action but still has the Hover Move Action then it does not fall to the ground and instead is still considered to be in the air. Otherwise, this is the same as a Standard Move.

Cruise: In Water Tiles, the Cruise Move Action only costs 1 Move Action Point to move from one tile to the other. If a unit moves underwater it costs 2 Move Points, and the unit requires 2 Movement Points to move from one elevation in the Water Tile to the other. Moving out of the water to the land only costs 1 Move Point, however, if the unit does not have the Standard Movement action it costs 3 points to move on non-Water Tiles.

Swim: In Water Tiles, the Swim Move Action only costs 1 Move Action Point to move from one tile to the other. If a unit moves underwater it costs 1 Move Point, and the unit requires 1 Movement Point to move from one elevation in the Water Tile to the other. Moving out of the water to the land only costs 1 Move Point, however, if the unit does not have the Standard Movement action it costs 3 points to move on non-Water Tiles.

Movement options.png

Fig 3a on the left shows a Top-Down perspective of a Unit's Field of View while fig 3b on the right shows a Side-View perspective with an elevation higher and lower than the Unit. Arrow indicates directional movement.

Movement Within a Hex: Depending on the size of each Unit and the terrain it's on, you may find that you have a fair bit of room inside the hex your Unit resides on. Your Unit may move around freely inside the hex as long as 80% of the Unit is inside and is facing the direction it stopped in. You may use this to set up ambushes/ firing positions/ or take better cover.

Two friendly Units may occupy the same hex as long as they do not physically overlap with one another. Two Units on opposing sides cannot occupy the same hex unless stated otherwise or one is on another elevation from the other.

Fig 4a on the left shows allied Units 80% within the hex upon which they are standing and multiple Units on the same hex that are not overlapping. Fig 4b on the right shows opposing Units occupying the same hex, Units that are more than 80% outside their respective hex, and multiple friendly Units overlapping on the same hex.



1. Determine if Target Unit is in Line of Sight
2. Select Core Part or Equipment to target
3. Select a Weapon to attack with and measure Range
4. Roll Attack
5. Roll Evasion
6. Allocate Damage

Choose a target that is within your Unit's Field of View (FoV) and Line of Sight (LoS).

FoV is determined by the first three hexes in front of your Unit in the direction it's facing- a Unit's Field of View includes all unobstructed hexes past those first three hexes. LoS is determined by using a straight line directly from the head of your Unit to the target. The Unit's Weapon must also have a clear LoS. If you can clearly see 80% the part you want to attack you may do so. If a unit takes up multiple hexes use the most lead hex to determine FoV.

The image depicts which Core Sections of the Alto (in red) are exposed when it's behind various pieces of cover. Left: Head, Torso, Left Arm, and Left Leg. Right: Head, Left and Right Arms, and Torso.

After you have determined the Unit is within view check the Range stat of the weapon you wish you use. Measure the range from the first hex in front of the Attacking Unit to the Target Unit. If the Target Unit is a distance under or equal to the Range stat then you may complete the attack. Measuring for this may be done at any time as long as it doesn't slow down gameplay.

Order of operations for Attack Rolls

Attacking is resolved with D8 rolls using the three stats: Accuracy, Assault, and Evasion. The player needs to roll equal to or higher than the Modified value shown on the Unit's Datasheet for every attack being made.

  • Accuracy is used in Ranged Combat to determine a Unit's chances of hitting its target with a Ranged Weapon.
  • Assault is used in Close Combat and determines a Unit's chances of hitting its target with a Melee Weapon.
  • Evasion is used throughout combat and determines the chances a Unit has of dodging incoming attacks.

While making attacks Attacking Units will use their Accuracy or Assault stat. If the Attack is a success then the Defending Units will use their Evasion stat. Rolls can be modified by temporary buffs/debuffs during Engagements while stats can be modified permanently via SMTs on the Unit's Datasheet. For a detailed breakdown of how combat is resolved specifically, see Combat Phases.

If the weapon succeeded its Attack Roll and the Evasion Roll of the Defending Unit failed then deduct the Damage of the stat from the Durability of the Core Part or piece of Equipment that was Targeted. If that Part was destroyed then it is considered Inoperable and may no longer be used in the game. Core Parts being destroyed have detrimental effects on the Unit as detailed later.

Critical Hits: Critical Hits are rolls of 8 when making an Attack Roll. They are always considered hits regardless of other modifiers.

Critical Misses: Critical Misses are rolls of 1 when making an Attack Roll. They are always considered misses regardless of other modifiers.

Ranged Combat Phase

If a Unit chooses to take the Ranged Combat Phase then it may use any Ranged Weapon it has to attack with. Follow the steps for Combat as shown above and use the Accuracy stat for the Attack stat. If a unit depletes all of its AP before the Melee Combat Phase, the phase is skipped and the unit is moved to the Inactive state.

Close Combat Phase

The Close Combat Phase is similar to the Ranged Combat Phase with the major difference being that instead of using Ranged Weapons to attack, the Unit uses Melee Weapons. All melee weapons have a range of 1 unless otherwise stated. Instead of conducting an Accuracy Roll, the player will conduct an Assault Roll. The process listed above otherwise applies to this Phase.

Once all phases have ended, unused AP is stored using the D20, and the Active token is flipped over to the Inactive side. This signifies that the Unit cannot be activated again during that round.

Basic Attacks Every Unit can use Basic Attacks, which is the name for any unarmed strike using any limb. These attacks are done during the Close Combat Phase. These attacks are not capable of doing Critical Hits on rolls of 8. All basic attacks have the same stats regardless of classification:

  • 1 AP Cost
  • 1 Base Damage
  • 1 Range

This is when one Unit physically grabs another and innates a fight. Grappling can only be performed during the Close Combat Phase and by Units with Arms.

To initiate a Grapple, the attacking Unit must first be within melee range of the target. Then, at the cost of 2 AP, the Unit makes an Assault Roll.

  • If unsuccessful: the Unit can reroll for 2 additional AP, otherwise the Unit ends it turn per normal.
  • If successful: the target then makes an Evasion Roll.

If the enemy Evasion Roll;

  • Is successful: the grapple is evaded and the attacking Unit can no longer initiate another grapple.
  • Is unsuccessful: the Units grapple is successful.

When a Unit successfully Grapples, it occupies the same hex as the enemy and is able to do one of two things: Throw or Hold the enemy.

Place a Hold token next to the Unit. Both Units cannot move from the hex while the Hold token exists. At the start of the next turn, the Unit Holding can attack with any Mounted Weapon or non-2H Weapon. If the grappling Unit wishes to disengage the Grapple, they may remove the token from play and move to the hex they initially started the grapple from.
While being held, the enemy gains -5 to Accuracy Rolls, cannot make Assault Rolls, and cannot evade incoming attacks. At the start of its next turn, it can use the Break Grapple Command Action to free itself. When used, it moves to the hex directly behind it and faces the attacker. If that hex is unavailable, it may move to one of the other hexes in its blind spot facing the attacker. If no hexes are available, the Command Action cannot be used. Once a hex has been chosen and the Unit moves, remove the Hold token from the map.
An enemy can only be Thrown within the FoV of the attacking Unit. Use the Throw Distance formula to determine the maximum distance the enemy can be thrown. The attacking Unit can throw the enemy Unit anywhere within this maximum distance. Units can only be thrown to the same elevation or lower. Units are unable to throw other Units that have a higher Classification. Units that are Thrown to a lower elevation also take Fall Damage.
Once the attacker specifies a hex for the defending Unit to land on, they then roll for Assault. This is to check Deviation (link). Pass, the Unit goes where intended. Fail, attacking Unit rolls 1d8 for Deviation and lands there instead.
After the landing hex is determined, the defending Unit is placed on the specified hex on its back, face up, with its feet pointed at the attacker. The defending Unit receives Collision Damage to its torso. While on the ground, the defending Unit cannot Evade incoming attacks. If the attacking Unit has no more AP to spend, the turn is over. On the defending Unit's next turn, it must use the GetUp Command Action to get back on its feet. Otherwise, it will remain on the ground.
Enemy Units can also be thrown into structures as well as other Units.
Thrown into another Unit
If the attacker has specified a hex for the defending Unit to land on and its path is occupied by other Unit(s), the other Unit(s) will conduct an Evasion Roll. If successful, the defending Unit lands on the specified hex same as above and the other Unit(s) are untouched. If the other Unit(s) fails its Evasion roll, they take Collision Damage as well as the defending Unit and are now on the ground. This also includes allied Units.
Thrown into a Structure
If the attacker has specified a hex for the defender to land on and it's occupied by a structure, place the defender on the same hex as the structure but not on the structure itself. Then apply Collision Damage to the defender's torso.
If the damage is less than the current Defense of the structure, the structure remains and the status effect "Stuck" is given to the Unit.
If the damage is greater than the current Defense of the structure, the structure falls on top of the Unit and the current Defense is applied as Bonus Damage to the Unit's torso. Remove the structure from the battlefield and replace it with a Black Hex. Then place the defending Unit on its back facing up with its feet facing the attacker. On the defending Unit's next turn, it must use the GetUp Command Action to get back on its feet. Otherwise, it will remain on the ground.
End of Round

Both players will take turns activating their Units and completing each phase. Once all Units have been activated the Inactive tokens are removed from every Unit and a new round begins. This continues until the Mission is completed or the turn limit has been reached.

Destroying Unit Sections

When a limb is destroyed, remove the physical section from the model* and then apply the respective status effect accordingly:

Unit Section Description
All Head Limbs Unit gains -1 to all Accuracy Rolls.
Arm Unit can no longer pick up objects or attack with Weapons in that hand. Weapons that were held are now on the ground.
All Arm Limbs Unit can no longer perform grapples. The "Break Grapple" Command Action costs 4 Actions Points.
Half Leg Limbs Unit gains -1 to Assault rolls and reduce standard movement points by 50% (rounded up). This debuff is applied once a Unit has lost half of its leg limbs (rounded up).
All Leg Limbs Unit gains -2 to Assault Rolls and standard movement points are reduced to 1. This penalty replaces the "Half Leg Limbs" penalty.

∗A player can opt out of physically removing the section from the model by placing down the respective Destroyed Limb token. Status effects still apply.

Any and all weapons/abilities are lost when the location they are attached to is destroyed.

Destroyed vs Inoperative

When the Torso Durability Points or Cockpit Durability Points of a Unit are reduced to 0, the Unit is considered destroyed. If a Mech Unit's Torso Core Part remains intact, but its limbs are all destroyed, it is considered Inoperative. If a Vehicle Unit's Cockpit Core Part remains intact, but it loses its ability to move, it is considered Inoperative. An Inoperative Unit can continue participating in the Engagement if it still has Drones or Mounted Weapons that have not been destroyed.

There are 4 unique areas to a Standard Mech Unit:

  • Head, Torso, Arm, and Leg

For Standard Vehicles:

  • Cockpit, Body, and (wings/wheels/treads/etc).

Destroying each one results in a different penalty for that Unit.

NOTE: If your Unit does not start with one of these sections, they do not suffer the effects of not having them in the game.

Command Actions

Actions that can be made during a Units turn but aren’t tied to a specific phase. All Command Actions require 2 Action Points to conduct and can be used multiple times within a single turn. Command Actions (CA’s for short) are divided into 3 categories: State, Stance, & Order.

  • States are togglable actions.
  • Stances are actions that can be taken out of turn. Activating these immediately ends the Units turn.
  • Orders are actions given to drones.

Status Effects

Name Token Description
Conceal <> Unit gains +1 to their Evasion Rolls against ranged attacks.
Overheat <> Unit is immediately put into the kneeling position and ends its turn.
Freeze <> Unit ends its turn immediately. Upon its next activation, its max AP storage capacity is limited to 8.
Euphotic <> Standard Movement is reduced by 2 Movement Points.
Abyss <> Standard Movement is reduced by 2 movement points and the Unit takes 10 damage to the torso per turn.
Stuck <> The Unit is unable to move and is considered Inoperable until the stuck condition is removed.
Hold <> The Unit is being held by another unit. It may only take the Break Hold Command Action.
System Error <> Unit ends its turn immediately. Before its next activation, roll 1d8 to reboot. On a 5 or higher, the Unit continues activation per normal. On a 4 or lower, the Unit activation is canceled and its turn ends. Upon subsequent activations, the pass requirement is lowered by 1.
Airborne <> If a Unit has the Hover/Fly System, place a corresponding token (+1/+2/+3) next to them to indicate their elevation. Remove if on ground level.
Submerged <> If a Unit has the Cruise/Swim System, place a corresponding token (-1/-2) next to them to indicate their elevation. Remove if on ground level.


Scenery on the battlefield can range from tall buildings to small rocks or trees. Some terrain features are included by individual Missions. Different terrain features are represented by different colored hexes. Each colored hex gives different advantages and/or disadvantages.

When placing terrain colors on the battlefield, different colors need to be placed at least 1 hex apart. If a color description states to place it at a specific elevation, the only elevation that it can be placed is at the Zero Elevation (unless otherwise specified by another rule).


Elevation Description
+3 Exclusively used by Flight Types.
+2 The highest elevation which a non-flying Unit can maneuver to.
+1 The most common elevation for Units that have the ability to Fly/Hover.
0 Ground Level. All Units can be used at this elevation.
-1 The most common elevation for Units that have the ability to Swim/Cruise.
-2 The lowest point Units can reach.

Elevation can be used to give Units a strong advantage in combat. Elevation is a factor when choosing where to move or where to attack from. The game has a total of 5 different elevations. Starting from the lowest to the highest; -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3. Ground level is represented by 0. This is were all engagements take place unless otherwise stated by the mission or terrain.

Each level of elevation is 4.5 inches below/above the previous/next level. This can easily be measured by placing an Action Base 4/5 on its corner vertically. Everything below that height is on 0 elevation (Ground Level).

Units traveling to higher elevations use 2 Movement Points to do so while Units traveling to lower elevations only use a single Movement Point. A Unit's elevation is determined by where a Mech Unit's waist [where its legs connect] or a Vehicle Unit's cockpit is. This also applies to structures and natural terrain.

High Ground Bonus

Elevation Difference High Ground Bonus Effect
0 No Bonus
1 +1 to Assault Rolls
2-3 +1 to Accuracy Rolls
4-5 +2 to Accuracy Rolls

When an attacking Unit is on a higher elevation than its target, that Unit receives a High Ground Bonus (HGB). This bonus is determined by the difference in elevations between the attacking Unit and its target. Units attacking a target at higher elevations do not gain the HGB.

Hex Colors and Effects

Name Represents Description Effect
Grey Road or any generic flat land. The default hex. This hex represents nothing more than a place to stand/move on. -
Red Lava An extremely hot tile, either lava or some other superheated material dangerous even to ExMac units and vehicles. Causes the Overheat status effect when ending your turn on the tile.
Tan Desert Area A barren area/landscape where little to no precipitation occurs. Any Move action costs +1 Movement point per hex. Thruster and Flight moves are not affected .
White Snowy Area A blanket of white covers the area. Cold winds and mechanical problems are plenty. Any Move action costs +1 Movement point per hex. Thruster and Flight moves are not affected .
Green Wooded Area Trees and foliage cover the land. -1 to Accuracy rolls for every green hex within the Unit's Line-of-Sight to its target. This effect stacks on itself. If a Unit is on the hex, they gain the Conceal status Effect.
Black Ruined Structures Piles of concrete and metal litter the area. What used to be structures that touched the sky now hug the ground. Dense black smoke emanates from the rubble. Movement Point cost required to move through a black hex is doubled. -1 to Accuracy rolls for every black hex within a Unit's Line-of-Sight to its target.
Light Blue Shallow Ocean Body of water. Shallow enough to see the bottom yet deep enough to completely lose a Unit to the seas. As soon as a Unit moves on/over this hex, unless they have the Swim/Cruise System, they gain the Euphotic status Effect.
Dark Blue Deep Ocean The lowest body of water a Unit can go. There is no light, the pressure is extreme, and the tempatures are near freezing. As soon as a Unit moves on/over this hex, unless they have the Swim/Cruise Sytsem, they gain the Abyss status Effect.

Buildings and Structures

Defense structure chart.png

Structures can be destroyed to aid or hinder player tactics. Buildings/structures do not need to be placed on black hexes. However, when they are destroyed the hex/hexes they occupy then become a black hex. The chart on the right shows how building Defense is calculated. Some buildings are tall enough that they reach a higher elevation. You can tell by placing a standard hex on its corner. If it's taller than the hex (4.5"), it's on a higher elevation.

When firing at a structure, you are guaranteed a successful hit and do not need to roll for Accuracy. Base Damage is applied as normal. If an attack is made that doesn't completely destroy the building/structure, that damage is subtracted from the building/structure's total Defense. If you wish to attack a Unit through a structure, you will first need to destroy it and then make a separate attack targeting the intended Unit.

  • The building you want to attack through is occupying 1 hex and is in +1 elevation. This means it has a total Defense of 20.
If your total damage is less than 20, the building still stands with its remaining Defense left over. If your total damage is more than 20, the building falls and you may then target the enemy Unit on the other side with a new attack.
  • NOTE: Since excess damage doesn't pass through the structure, it is advised that you make only the necessary amount of shots needed to bring it down so you still have some attacks for the enemy.

Non-Hex Terrain

This terrain is also known as Scatter Terrain. Pieces of Terrain that aren't connected to a hex or hex effect. They may be for decoration or may be used for cover. When building the map come to an agreement with your opponent on which will grant cover and which is purely decorative.


Battles are waged by following the sequence below:

Engagement Size Deployment Cost Limit
Scouting 600
Skirmish 1200
Operation 1800
Battle 2500
1. Selecting a Engagement Size
Players must first choose an engagement size they wish to play: Scouting, Skirmish, Operation, or Conflagration. This determines the Deployment Cost available for each team.
2. Choosing a Mission
Players determine which Mission will be carried out during the battle; they can only choose from the available Missions in their engagement size. This will determine the Deployment Area the players use as well as specific Mission objectives and certain terrain features. You can either simply agree with your opponent on which Mission to play, or you can roll to randomly select a Mission using one of the following tables:
D8 Mission
1-4 Reconnaissance
5-8 Show of Force
D8 Mission
1-2 Winds of War
3-4 Endless Pursuit
5-6 Counterattack!
7-8 The Call of Darkness
D8 Mission
1-2 The Order to Destroy
3-4 Emissary of Darkness!
5-6 Burning Sandstorm
7-8 Protect the Relic
D8 Mission
1-4 Protect the Base
5-8 Marshall Law
3. Assembling a Squad
Players must then assemble a Squad with a sum total Deployment Cost less than the listed Deployment Cost Limit for the engagement size.
4. Reading Mission Briefing
Each Mission has a Mission briefing that will detail the primary objectives that award points to the players. Some Mission briefings also list one or more Mission rules that will apply for the duration of the battle. The players should read and familiarize themselves with these before proceeding.
5. Creating the Battlefield
The players now create the battlefield and set up terrain features. Missions are played on rectangular hex-grid battlefields which measure 16x13 hexagonal tiles, or 202 total hexes, with the flat side facing each player.
6. Placing Objective Markers
The players now set objective markers up on the battlefield. Each Mission’s deployment map will show the players how many to set up and where each should be placed.
7. Determine who is Attacker and Defender
Players roll 1D8 to determine this. The highest value chooses who will be Attacker and Defender. The Attacker goes first in the engagement but the Defender chooses their Deployment Area.
8. Choose a Deployment Area
The Defender chooses their deployment area first followed by the Attacker.
9. Deploy Squads
Squad deployment is done in alternating order. Check Core_Rules#Deployment for more information. There may be more specific rules in the mission briefing.
10.Begin the Battle
Resolve any pre-battle rules then begin activation with the Attacker's first unit.
11.End the Battle
The battle ends when the number of turns pass in the mission briefing or all of one side's units have become destroyed or inoperable.
12.Determine the Victor
Each player can score a maximum of 7 points from primary objectives and a maximum of 7 points from secondary objectives for a total of 14 possible points (any excess victory points awarded are discounted).


Term Definition
Accuracy Roll 1d8 that determines the outcome of a Ranged Attack.
Assault Roll 1d8 that determines the outcome of a Melee Attack.
Evasion Roll 1d8 that determines the outcome of an attempted Evasion.
Critical Hit An attack that cannot be Evaded. Adds .5 of the Weapon's Base Damage as bonus damage (round up).
On-Target After an Accuracy/Assault Roll is successful but an Evasion Roll has yet to be conducted.
Classification Determined by the Total Defense Points of a Unit.
Line of Sight A straight, unobstructed line from an attacking Unit to its target.
Field of View The hexes in the front-left, front-right, and front-center in the direction a Unit is facing as well as every hex behind those hexes.
Blind Spot The hexes in the rear-left, rear-right, and rear-center in the direction a Unit is facing.
Standard Movement Also referred to as Standard Movement Points. The number of hexes a Unit can move in a single turn
Thruster Movement Only available if thrusters are on a Unit's model. Forfeit Ranged and Close Combat phases if used. The path a Unit takes is linear in the direction the player chooses. If an obstacle blocks the full travel length, the Unit stops one hex prior to that obstacle.
Action Points Also referred to as AP. Points used to determine how many actions can be performed in a single turn.
Command Actions Also referred to as CA. Any action NOT dealing with the Movement Phase or either of the two Combat Phases. Requires 2 AP to perform any CA.
Equipped Weapons Weapons that are being held in the hands of a Unit.
Mounted Weapons Weapons that are mounted directly to a Units Section. Cannot be swapped. Roll 1d8. If 6+, will explode when destroyed, dealing 100% weapon damage to the section it was attached to.
Carried Weapons Weapons that are being stored on the Unit but not Equipped. Can be Equipped or Retrieved if space is available in the Unit's hand(s). These Weapons must be Equipped before using.
Base Damage How much damage a weapon deals before modifications.
Fall Damage 2 ( Unit Classification * Elevation Height) to the Units Leg Sections (or Torso if no legs).
Collision Damage 2 ( Moving Unit Classification * Thrown Distance)
Throw Distance 8 - (Attacker Modified Assault Stat)
Systems Abilities that directly come from parts on the physical Unit model. Having these parts on the model does not automatically give the Unit the ability.
Mods Abilities that come from upgrades and tuning of the Unit's internal components which are not immediately visible on the model.
Traits Abilities granted to the Unit from the pilot.
Artificial Intelligence RoyRoy heads have their own sentience used for giving Drones autonomy.
Core Parts Any and all parts that make up the CORE of the unit- limbs and the armor attached to those limbs. e.g. head, head armor, chest, knee armor, etc.
Unit Sections Core parts that are grouped into individual sections. EG; Head, Arms, Legs, Torso, etc.
Core Type Determines your Unit's base Stats. Each Core Type provides different Stats.
Deployment Cost The overall Cost of a Unit toward the Deployment Cost Limit of any Engagement. This includes Weapons, Equipment, Defense, Systems, Mods, etc.
S.R.M. Stat Reduction Modifiers. This number reperesents how many times a Unit's base stats can be lowered to a minimum of 2 Accuracy, 2 Assault, and 2 Evasion.
Main Unit Refers to a single Unit that controls drones.

Core Rules
Core Rules | Datasheets | Unit Datasheet Creation | Abilities