User talk:Lavtiz29
The issue:
What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) play vs. Tournament or non-WYSIWYG play.
Web App solution:
Opening page
- New Unit
- WYSISYG (Advanced Assembly)
- Tournament (Simple Assembly)
- [WARNING: Good for beginners new to the system, but will be at a slight disadvantage]
- Load Unit
- New Pilot
- Load Pilot
- New Hangar
- Load Hangar
New WYSIWYG Unit (Advance Assembly)
- Name: textbox [Ability to Skip][Default: "Unnamed"]
- Description: Long textbox [Ability to Skip][Default: "No information"]
- Unit Type: Combobox [Mech, Vehicle, Drone]
If Mech: Add [Head, Torso, L Arm, R Arm, L Leg, & R Leg] to Core Parts
If Vehicle: Add [Cockpit, Body, L Section, & R Section] to Core Parts
If Drone: Add [Body] to Core Parts
Core Parts Page
Page displays defaults loaded in from above (Mech as example). Clicking on a Section bring up its page.
- Rename: textbox [Default: "Head"]
Title will display [Total Defense Value][Default: "0"] along with the name of the section. Page below will be empty except for a "+" icon in the top center with the text "Add New Part".
- Add New Part
Hitting this will add a new box:
Name of Part:
comboboxImage of Part Confirm:
- All will sit on the same line side-by-side. Once name and notation are added, the part image will populate and a confirmation icon will appear on the right. Once confirmed, the part will be added to the section and the "Add new part" icon will appear under it.
Left Arm
Right Arm
Right Leg
Left Leg
Add location of equipment as part of creation. IE for Hands or mounted
If Mounted, request location based on number of limbs.
Completed Unit
Show completed mech
-> Add to new hanger -> Send to new Hanger file
-> Add to existing hanger -> Load Hanger file
-> Save unit solo - > Save Unit file
New Pilot
Name - Text Box
Affiliation - Text Box
Background - Long Text box
Rank - Combobox
Cap Number based on rank
Cap number based on rank
Pilot Completed
Show Pilot -> Add to new hanger -> Send to new Hanger file
-> Add to existing hanger -> Load Hanger file
-> Save Pilot -> Save pilot file
Create New Hanger
Create a file to save and load units and pilots. Request: Name Hanger Save file locally on Person's machine
Load hanger
Generate list of Units and Pilots
Units by Size Category then Durability
Pilots by rank
Assign Pilots to units somehow? I'm not really sure on this one.
View Unit Datasheet
New Unit creation:
Assemble your unit
Pick power plant
Power plants are limited to how much armor they can carry, however you can pay extra to remove some of those restrictions. You may only pick a single power plant per unit. If a unit has two classes less armor than it gains a +1 Move bonus. If it is four classes below it gains a +2 move bonus.
Power Plant List
Class 1
Maximum Core Durability: 75
Name | Movement | AP
Basic Power Plant | 5 | 2
Class 2
Minimum Core Durability: 76
Maximum Core Durability: 150
Name | Movement | AP
Basic Power Plant | 4 | 2
Class 3
Minimum Core Durability: 151
Maximum Core Durability: 225
Name | Movement | AP
Basic Power Plant | 3 | 3
Class 4
Minimum Core Durability: 226
Maximum Core Durability: 300
Name | Movement | AP
Basic Power Plant | 2 | 4
Class 5
Minimum Core Durability: 301
Name | Movement | AP
Basic Power Plant | 1 | 4
Core Unit
When building your unit it will have a core section. Most of the time for mech units this is the chest. For others it depends on the parts used for a vehicle. If it is a vehicle and you're not sure, pick the core unit from the unit that most of your parts came from. If unit has multiple chest pieces, in the case of some mechs, pick your favorite. It is also possible that you may pay extra to pick a different one.
EA Cores
Bryon Cores
Maxion Cores
EXA Vehicle Cores
Custom Cores
Unit Durability
Durability is your units ability to survive combat. Purchasing more allows you to stay on the battlefield longer. However some Power Plants are unable to carry more than a specific amount of durability on the main parts of the unit. Each unit is broken down into sections. For a mech unit this is its limbs, torso, and head for vehicle units it is based on the design of the unit and how it is built.
Purchasing armor is done at 1 Durability per Deployment cost. When building a mech unit pay for the torso, head, then any limbs the mech has attached. The torso should have the greatest durability since it contains the pilot and losing the torso is an instant kill. Afterward do any wings, but not the backpack they are attached to that counts as part of the torso, or other extraneous parts that don't count as limbs.
Steps 1. Determine the sections of the unit.
1.a. For Mech the major sections are:
1.a.i. Torso
1.a.ii. Head
1.a.iii. Left Arm
1.a.iiii. Right Arm
1.a.iiiii. Left Leg
1.a.iiiiii. Right Leg
1.b. Flying Vehicle units:
1.b.i. Core Section
1.b.ii. Left Wing Section
1.b.iii. Right Wing Section
2. Assign an approximate number of durability for the entire unit. Which fits in your budget and which your Power Plant chosen in the Power Plant section can handle.
3. Assign a specific durability value to your torso or core section.
4. Assign a specific durability value to the unit's head or cockpit section.
5. Assign a durability value to the units limbs or , starting with
Optional Movement
Flight is limited to the power plant and armor on the unit. After putting durability on your flight parts. Which
5.a. if you've got thrusters and shit they need armor too 5.b. if they have enough durability to match the power plant then you can fly.
6.a. fuck weapons
7.a. fuck pilots