Core Rules
Put stuff about Dice here. Talk about tiles in basic. Also Tokens
Deployment Cost
Unit Creation
Unit Building
Talk about building the unit in real life using parts.
Unit Datasheet
Core Parts
Basic Core Part Assembly
Advanced Core Part Assembly
Unit Classifications
Basic Weapons
Advanced Weapons
Custom Weapons
Weapon Redundancy
Mech Stats
Part Durability
Classification Stats
Engine Assembly
Note: Talk about AAS here as part of Engine.
Pilot Levels
Pilot Stats
Pilot Abilities
Board Setup
All Missions take place on a battlefield comprised of Hexagon tiles. One hexagon tile is the same size as an action base 4 / 5. A full-sized battlefield measures 16x13 hexagonal tiles, or 208 total Hex', with the flat side facing each player. Both sides need to be identical to the other so it doesn't create any unfair advantages.
Unit Deployment
Players determine who goes first by both rolling 1d8 with the person who has the highest number going first. Starting from the highest to the lowest order, each player alternates putting one of there Units down on 1 of the 3 closest hexes to them on there side of the battlefield. This is called the Deployment Area (shown on the right, highlighted in green). Once all Units are on the battlefield, the battle begins staring with the highest.
Turn Order
Each player moves a single Unit during their turn. Units can only move once. If a player has no Units left to move, they skip their turn. Once all players have completed their turns, that round is over. When the round is over the turns circle back around to the player who initially began in a chess-like fashion. This continues until the Mission is completed or a player surrenders.
The image to the right shows all of the hexes that a Unit can move to. The arrow represents the Units forward facing direction.
Units can only move to the hexes directly around them. Once per movement phase, a Unit can rotate freely around on the same hex without having to use a movement point. The green hexes represent the area that is directly in front of the Unit while the red represent the area directly behind the Unit. This is important for a few reasons: first, the green area is not only the hexes directly in front of a Unit but they are also the Units Field of View. This applies when attacking a Unit. Secondly, the area in red is the Units Flank. When a Unit is attacked from its Flank it takes 2 bonus damage for every attack.
Movement Within a Hex
Depending on the size of each Unit and terrain you are on, you may find that you have a fair bit of room inside the Hex your Unit resides on. Your Unit may move around freely inside the hex as long as 80% of the Unit is inside and is facing the direction it stopped in. You may use this to setup ambushes/ firing positions/ or take better cover.
Two friendly Units may occupy the same hex as long as they do not collide with one another. Two Units on opposing sides cannot occupy the same hex unless one is on another elevation from the other.
Command Actions
Part Loss
Ranged Combat
Melee Combat
Status Effects
Environmental Effects
Fuck I don't know a list of missions